India Now world’s 3rd Largest Internet User after USA & China
Another idiotic decision and unrealistic project that will probably never be completed by the government due to CORRUPTION and LAZY POLITICIANS!

Govt's ambitious broadband internet plan misses deadline | Business Standard

I guess it WAS A GOOD idea though! Let's see if they EVER get to finish it!! Sooooooo much potential but so much laziness and corruption amongst our government officials that I doubt it will ever get finished or be used in an empowering way for the villages!
As per the article below, we are STILL such a LONG LONG WAY AWAY from achieving what we are all hoping for! What a shame! We NEED to keep pushing the government to open up their policies to foreign companies to bring down the prices of smartphones! OPEN UP TO CHINA!!

Smartphones are still a long way from taking over the world – Quartz

The figures of this article are just very encouraging. The smart phones shipment to India went from 7% in 2012 Q3 to 19% in 2013 Q3. This increase is just HUGE. The journalist's comments are just a joke IMHO, completely decorrelated from the figures. So, yes, smartphone penetration in China is higher than in India, but figures are changing.

If we have: 7% in 2012 Q3 to 19% in 2013 Q3, just imagine in 3 or 4 years... King, no I have not sold my entire portfolio but instead I am downsizing it a little and still concentrating solely on .IN development. I have completely changed my strategy now and I do not believe there is a future in just buying names, sitting on them for a few years and hoping to then sell them on for massive profits. I do not believe that including renewal costs into the equation, that we can actually make decent profits on this sort of game anymore, BUT I do believe that there is MASSIVE opportunities in DEVELOPMENT of our names!

If I do occasionally see a really good .IN, I will still buy it but ONLY if I have some sort of plan to develop it at some point in the next year or two. I will not buy it solely for investment purposes, because that game has already slowed down for .COMs and it will NEVER start for .INs. It is now ALL ABOUT development guys! We can sell our names in the future and they are STILL good investment but ONLY if the names are developed and generating traffic. No one in India is buying parked names for high prices because they have too many other options for extensions and they want TRAFFIC and not just keywords.

Anyway, that's my opinion on this at the moment and it is based on my recent sales and figures for this year. Most businesses in India are wanting .INs with traffic that are fully developed. The GAME HAS CHANGED.

And yes, I have read about the positive developments happening in India BUT of course a lot of it has biased towards the government whom always put out positive messages, yet in real terms, India has A LOT more further to go to catch up with the rest of the world, check out this article:

40% of world to be online by 2013 end; India among the least-connected nations: UN report - Sci/Tech - DNA

So many more things that the government need to PUSH: education, policies, broadband infrastructure, loosen FDI policy, e-commerce, logistics, bandwidth, allocation of wireless frequencies, corruption, ICT into schools & colleges ect.......ect.....

The above WILL take MANY YEARS, we are talking 15-20 years at least to get these sorts of things sorted out and for India to catch up with USA, UK, CHINA, GERMANY, ect............

Yet so many on here are just sitting on their names, thinking that in 5 years time they will be millionaires! What a joke! START doing something with your names guys! Start DEVELOPING! Move FORWARD with your keyword names! I am in this for the long run which is why I am developing my names one by one and not just sitting on them for a while and trying to flip them for a few extra $s

This is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme guys! King, no I have not sold my entire portfolio but instead I am downsizing it a little and still concentrating solely on .IN development. I have completely changed my strategy now and I do not believe there is a future in just buying names, sitting on them for a few years and hoping to then sell them on for massive profits. I do not believe that including renewal costs into the equation, that we can actually make decent profits on this sort of game anymore, BUT I do believe that there is MASSIVE opportunities in DEVELOPMENT of our names!

If I do occasionally see a really good .IN, I will still buy it but ONLY if I have some sort of plan to develop it at some point in the next year or two. I will not buy it solely for investment purposes, because that game has already slowed down for .COMs and it will NEVER start for .INs. It is now ALL ABOUT development guys! We can sell our names in the future and they are STILL good investment but ONLY if the names are developed and generating traffic. No one in India is buying parked names for high prices because they have too many other options for extensions and they want TRAFFIC and not just keywords.

Anyway, that's my opinion on this at the moment and it is based on my recent sales and figures for this year. Most businesses in India are wanting .INs with traffic that are fully developed. The GAME HAS CHANGED.

And yes, I have read about the positive developments happening in India BUT of course a lot of it has biased towards the government whom always put out positive messages, yet in real terms, India has A LOT more further to go to catch up with the rest of the world, check out this article:

40% of world to be online by 2013 end; India among the least-connected nations: UN report - Sci/Tech - DNA

So many more things that the government need to PUSH: education, policies, broadband infrastructure, loosen FDI policy, e-commerce, logistics, bandwidth, allocation of wireless frequencies, corruption, ICT into schools & colleges ect.......ect.....

The above WILL take MANY YEARS, we are talking 15-20 years at least to get these sorts of things sorted out and for India to catch up with USA, UK, CHINA, GERMANY, ect............

Yet so many on here are just sitting on their names, thinking that in 5 years time they will be millionaires! What a joke! START doing something with your names guys! Start DEVELOPING! Move FORWARD with your keyword names! I am in this for the long run which is why I am developing my names one by one and not just sitting on them for a while and trying to flip them for a few extra $s

This is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme guys!

Agree, it is not a get rich-quick scheme. However good luck to all the players that register (within budget) an opportunity to trade-up. Mobile, then tablets will make the learning curve exponential. Ten years is a long time, an illiterate child who understands how to use a mobile phone !!! The mass market IMO will use romanised Hindi - English communication, this makes for interesting times and every reason to place your bets.
(Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its life believing that it is stupid. -Einstein)
Everyone seems to think that India can just quickly leapfrog into a all consuming digital empire BUT this will just NOT happen, no matter how big the size of the population or how many phones are internet enabled!

INDIA just is NOT a mature market and this makes a MASSIVE difference, which is exactly WHY I believe we need to wait at LEAST another 10 years to see large gains in our investments UNLESS we start to develop our names and create good .IN businesses!

Check out the following article for misconceptions on purely figures!

Do India's online numbers stack up? | Business Standard
pls stop pouring negativity and cynicism on this issue.

Nobody said India is where she should be.

Nobody is using .IN names as a get rich scheme! that already out of the question considering how long we have all been waiting and investing in .IN names

This thread is getting killed and i already dislike this thread!!!!

if you have negative views then do something about it- divest or help improve the situation. ALarmist comments are getting everybody nowhere.
There is a contradiction in terms in your comment, I'm sure unintentional. My ROI will come from more mature markets although I realise the need to establish the domain foundation before you register it : ) King

Negative and cynicism??! What are you talking about? These are REAL and AUTHENTIC viewpoints and articles from leading reachers and publications my friend! You are getting sick of this thread??!

I am investing all of my time and money into .IN development!! I AM building websites! I AM DOING SOMETHING!

BUT I am warning guys like yourself to not waste your money in just buying names or's and doing NOTHING with them apart from sitting on them and just parking them as there is NO FUTURE or PROFIT in that game my friend! I am sorry.

If you do not like what I am saying or what leading industry professionals and publications are saying about the market then that's fine, I guess you can go live in your fantasy dream world where we ALL become multimillionaires by investing in some good .IN keyword names and selling them on for $millions! It will not happen my friend, so please change your .IN strategy!

I have NEVER put up any links to articles which are not from leading or reputable publications, therefore please do the math and take a look at reality. The future IS DEVELOPMENT of names and creation of TRAFFIC, the game changed a long long time ago my friend! King

Negative and cynicism??! What are you talking about? These are REAL and AUTHENTIC viewpoints and articles from leading reachers and publications my friend! You are getting sick of this thread??!

I am talking about all the negative energy your posts have on this putting some words in CAPITAL LETTERS for effect and the effect feels negative to me. i am getting sick of reading this thread. tell me WHY i would not get sick of reading this thread.

I am investing all of my time and money into .IN development!! I AM building websites! I AM DOING SOMETHING!
Well thats great! you justkeep doing your own part cause we are all doing the same thing- doing our own part. So why dont you just keep doing your own part and not keep shouting at everyone that they need to wake up when they've been doing something about it the whole time too?

BUT I am warning guys like yourself to not waste your money in just buying names or's and doing NOTHING with them apart from sitting on them and just parking them as there is NO FUTURE or PROFIT in that game my friend! I am sorry.
dont worry about warning me, i am not wasting my money. Just because i do nothing with my names for now doesnt mean im wasting my money. Different strokes for different folks!!! Just like you're a a real estate developer, some of us are land owners.lets all just do what we're good at and stick to it. Some of us flip, some hold, some speculate, some invest long term. But it seems like if we are not developing websites we are losing. thats rubbish. And dont tell me there is no future in holding good .ins because YOU dont even know the future.No inforum member can tell me my portfolio is rubbish, so why will my portfolio's future be a dead end?

If you do not like what I am saying or what leading industry professionals and publications are saying about the market then that's fine, I guess you can go live in your fantasy dream world where we ALL become multimillionaires by investing in some good .IN keyword names and selling them on for $millions! It will not happen my friend, so please change your .IN strategy!
I dont have any issue with you OR "leading professionals" giving us information on the market. My issue is with you REPEATING the negative sounding part of the information. Do you live in a first world country? cuz you sound like it. Ive lived in US for 10yrs plus and i now live in NIgeria. Despite Nigeria being a 3rd world, from my direct experience, there is still huge opportunity to invest in Nigeria Despite ALL The flaws. same goes for .IN domains and India.
Also, i have no intention of being a get rich quick millionaire very soon off .IN domains. maybe thats your own imagination. I know it can be worth a million dollars IF i wait long enough, but i dont even know how long that is. Open your mind and think big.....we are not disillusioned here. Some inforum members have made $xxx,xxx off selling .in domains, so why not me? and thats more than enough for my .in investment. pls stop assuming we're trying tog et rich quick. even if i believe in that so what? i have invested many years in .in domains so i DO deserve rewards for my devoted, consistent hard work. some have come into our industry putting in a short time, or buying just a few names. not me. ive gone hard so i my rewards can also hit hard. i am a super realist and i dont live in dreams as you might think.

I have NEVER put up any links to articles which are not from leading or reputable publications, therefore please do the math and take a look at reality. The future IS DEVELOPMENT of names and creation of TRAFFIC, the game changed a long long time ago my friend!
Yes your links are good. But your links also never conclude ABOUT the future of India or do so in a negative light and i feel you conveniently like that.

yes the future is development! your damn right about that....but what will you "develop" that website on? a crappy domain name? oh cmon know better. thats where WE come in and play our part. As i said before, if you want to develop, more cudos to you. its smart, its the future and its a no lose situation,but dont tell me that holding onto my good names is a losing proposition. Play your game well and let me play mine well. traffic is ALREADY coming to good .in domains without development...thats one of the special things about .IN, so dont even worry about traffic because it will only increase as India heads towards putting 300-400M people online on computers.

Have i made myself clear? ha ha ;)

hope so.
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Fully agree with King. This thread is really negative and can disgust a lot of potential investors/webmasters. We don't need this, especially when we all know this thread is indexed by search engines. Try to boost development, showing YOUR websites.
Thanks guys for your opinions in regards to the articles that I have been putting up and the IMPORTANT information that I have been providing for you all in regards to getting all of you to try and understand the FULL dynamics of the market. An no King, I do not live in a 3rd world country, I was born and brought up in the UK, unless of course I regards the UK and a British education as being 3rd world?

I am in touch with some major players in this game and also major brokers in the stock market too whom are starting to look at domain names as future potential economic commodities but many of them are staying away for the time being due to the flux in the market place with the entry of potentially thousands of new extensions competing against well established ones. I AM A GREAT BELIEVER in the .IN extension and hold a portfolio of hundreds of names BUT that does not mean that I believe in ALL of the routes that people are taking in this game.

I of course could post up lots of POSITIVE links about what is happening in India BUT would that help any of us here? I am suspecting that ALL of us are HERE because we believe in the future of .IN and the digital marketplace happening in India right? So do we need some more articles and links to encourage us? No, not really my friend! We need other information to enable to us to BETTER REFINE our STRATEGIES in this game!!! Which is exactly why I am trying to get people to understand the IMPORTANCE OF DEVELOPMENT AND TRAFFIC in this game!

But anyway, I guess many people on here are not happy with what I have been posting up so I guess i'll try and be more positive and disregard any major negative development and information that I think is important for us as investors. I also don't want to develop any sort of bad relationship with the forum members on here as I have bought from and spoken to many of you before and we do all need to stick together in this game to improve the strength of the .IN name. I just hope that many of you with excellent keywords do actually start doing something with them at some point in the future rather than just sitting on them which in my opinion is not going to improve the reputation of the .IN extension. Please take a look at the .DE. .CO.UK and now even .CN market, there are not many hoarders in those extensions which is exactly WHY those extensions have matured in good markets with excellent valuations on keywords.

Anyway, sorry for upsetting you guys! Take care and all the best with your investments!
Thanks guys for your opinions in regards to the articles that I have been putting up and the IMPORTANT information that I have been providing for you all in regards to getting all of you to try and understand the FULL dynamics of the market. An no King, I do not live in a 3rd world country, I was born and brought up in the UK, unless of course I regards the UK and a British education as being 3rd world?

I am in touch with some major players in this game and also major brokers in the stock market too whom are starting to look at domain names as future potential economic commodities but many of them are staying away for the time being due to the flux in the market place with the entry of potentially thousands of new extensions competing against well established ones. I AM A GREAT BELIEVER in the .IN extension and hold a portfolio of hundreds of names BUT that does not mean that I believe in ALL of the routes that people are taking in this game.

I of course could post up lots of POSITIVE links about what is happening in India BUT would that help any of us here? I am suspecting that ALL of us are HERE because we believe in the future of .IN and the digital marketplace happening in India right? So do we need some more articles and links to encourage us? No, not really my friend! We need other information to enable to us to BETTER REFINE our STRATEGIES in this game!!! Which is exactly why I am trying to get people to understand the IMPORTANCE OF DEVELOPMENT AND TRAFFIC in this game!

But anyway, I guess many people on here are not happy with what I have been posting up so I guess i'll try and be more positive and disregard any major negative development and information that I think is important for us as investors. I also don't want to develop any sort of bad relationship with the forum members on here as I have bought from and spoken to many of you before and we do all need to stick together in this game to improve the strength of the .IN name. I just hope that many of you with excellent keywords do actually start doing something with them at some point in the future rather than just sitting on them which in my opinion is not going to improve the reputation of the .IN extension. Please take a look at the .DE. .CO.UK and now even .CN market, there are not many hoarders in those extensions which is exactly WHY those extensions have matured in good markets with excellent valuations on keywords.

Anyway, sorry for upsetting you guys! Take care and all the best with your investments!

@Truekumar; Good on you : ) Although its starting to read like an AA (alcoholics anonymous) self help meeting for the IT Crowd. One thing I know from my current foraging, .in's are certainly being registered very frequently, or the ones I have followed through on have gone over a short timeline. Two guys in the USA have an impressive portfolio of com's, for cost incurred I never quite understand why they never cover the .in and hold a royal flush. Interesting times.


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