India Now world’s 3rd Largest Internet User after USA & China
India is world's 3rd largest internet user after USA and China.

Only PC and Laptop based internet usage has been factored though. If internet usage from Mobile phones are factored, the numbers are radically different.

Please Click Here to go through the article. Look forward to your thoughts and perspectives.
Good sign..

The real progress will come when internet users in India are not just browsing but creating businesses online and understanding the true value of the internet. Most users are just consuming info..that needs to change.
A majority of these users may be students or employees using the free internet available at their school/college/workplace.
Good news BUT I'm afraid that this is still a very close minded view point of the profession and potential of the market in India. Please read my thread .IN vs .ORG

India is heading for an economic downturn, the bubble is slowly bursting due to the political idiots whom are running the country and NEVER seem to move forward with policy reforms. THEY ARE ONLY bothered about VOTES and the the ELECTIONS, that is ALL!

IF we DO NOT let in the foreign companies, e.g. amazon, wallmart ect....then they CANNOT help the country to reform the systems, the logistics, investment in research ect.......Please see the recent articles from the last two days below:

The ironies of India’s economic crisis -

None of the experts saw India's debt bubble coming. Sound familiar? | Comment is free | The Guardian

WE NEED to start developing our domain names to increase awareness of the web on both a LOCAL and NATIONAL level in India, this is the way forward guys, otherwise India is going to be left behind the rest of the world.
Why don't we start up a thread that challenges all members to spin up at least one site a month and post the site to show that they completed their task!? That is a lot of work, but it would be worth it in the end.
Good news BUT I'm afraid that this is still a very close minded view point of the profession and potential of the market in India. Please read my thread .IN vs .ORG

India is heading for an economic downturn, the bubble is slowly bursting due to the political idiots whom are running the country and NEVER seem to move forward with policy reforms. THEY ARE ONLY bothered about VOTES and the the ELECTIONS, that is ALL!

IF we DO NOT let in the foreign companies, e.g. amazon, wallmart ect....then they CANNOT help the country to reform the systems, the logistics, investment in research ect.......Please see the recent articles from the last two days below:

The ironies of India’s economic crisis -

None of the experts saw India's debt bubble coming. Sound familiar? | Comment is free | The Guardian

WE NEED to start developing our domain names to increase awareness of the web on both a LOCAL and NATIONAL level in India, this is the way forward guys, otherwise India is going to be left behind the rest of the world.

Please show patience with India.

the .IN game IS about patience.
I would do it... I just straightened out some issues issue with my hosting company and I am reworking "India's Portal to Fun". I have a lot of ideas for the rest of my portfolio, but not enough time! You know what, I will even redo one of my one pagers tonight, which has needed to be done for some time now.
@domaingwaker...That's good mate! I'm currently developing a 200 page site at the moment and I am extremely excited about the go-live date! :)

I have a few more do develop before the end of the year for sure!
Thanks for the info Freeads and I must say that is quite interesting BUT and this is a very big 'BUT', most of those users will not being accessing the web in the way that the west and china do, which an in-depth access to e-commerce, services, information provision etc.......INDIANS are only accessing the web for a little social networking (e.g. Facebook) BUT they are not utilising it's vast potential to them in an educated and informed manner! THIS IS THE PROBLEM! And this is EXACTLY why we should be developing our .INs as quickly as possibly and enabling fully live websites to MATTER in the DAILY LIVES of REGULAR (sometimes quite often non-educated) INDIANS!

We need to penetrate into local dialects, local areas, languages, provisions give to the PEOPLE OF INDIA they type of websites that REALLY MATTER TO THEM! Entertainment, services, information, products, shopping, discounts, video, music, e-medicine, etc........

BUT how can .IN extension websites become engrained into the lives of users IF we are keeping the best names parked up and hidden away, hoping for their value to increase?! DEVELOP, DEVELOP, DEVELOP!!! Let's get the ball rolling guys and start making some important moves on these names, let's get endusers using .IN rather than just logging onto Facebook for 5 minutes to check their message from their friends or relatives. WE NEED Indians to start using the WHOLE of the web and not just one or two social networking sites!
The basic problem with developing .in domains is that webmasters who develop domains often get a raw deal, are exposed to blackmailers and extortionists, with absolutely no support from domain registrars. People who do not spend a single penny on domain names get showered with privileges.
Seriously though! How in the hell can we as Indians and India as a country compete with this sort of level of investment? CHINA have ALREADY left India behind in the digital race whilst we argue over age old politics in our villages and cities! Most of our country is starving and dying of malnutrition and other poverty ridden issues, whereas our next door neighbour is investing $323 billion to improve it's broadband by 2020!

By 2020, India will be so low down in the global digital economy charts that we WILL be living in the DARK AGES, unless we do something now! We need to rise up and confront both local and national government and ASK them to start investing in digital initiatives! And we also need to start MARKETING and developing our .IN websites amongst the rural population! See article below:

'China to invest $323bn for broadband expansion' - The Times of India
This is HOW FAR behind we are, India has ALOT of catching up to do if we are even going to come close to other countries in regards to penetration, and then I laugh at how many people on here CARRY ON DREAMING about .com type riches! lol. Come on guys, we have to try harder than this to develop and push forward the .IN extension, we need to start getting our strategies in place to succeed in this game, it is a very long term investment but we need to start working on our name right NOW!

India languishes at 106th spot in mobile broadband penetration | Business Line


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