What tools do you use for development?



I know most people go for the free tools, but what do most of you use to develop sites? If I'm coding I use textpad or Notepad++, but I do a lot of small changes through Wordpress front end now, because it is just so quick.
I had to learn how to create a website from scratch, and I couldn't afford paid services, so I have been using free tools, but if I start making good money I will definitely be upgrading to the paid ones.
I know most people go for the free tools, but what do most of you use to develop sites? If I'm coding I use textpad or Notepad++, but I do a lot of small changes through Wordpress front end now, because it is just so quick.
I am not a hands-on person so most of these services are normally outsourced. I think I will have to learn most of these skills and start doing coding on my own.
I have SublimeText editor which is free. But recently switched to Visual Studio Code. Apart from that I am also using the Bitnami local web development server. This makes using the web development flow lot easier. Also with this setup I don't have to pay a single cent for the same. Which is good considering how the tools are helping these days.
I suppose a lot of us use free tools for now but I'm thinking that when the time comes and we start making more money then it will be time to upgrade to the paid versions which are more efficient and even easier to use.


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