.in is trendy !

This data has no relevance to domain extension trends.
Insights shows you what people are searching in Google, not how popular an extension is.
does it? What do you derive from this then?
Google Insights for Search

What about this? same query just selected .in

Breakout means(All breakouts there) rising interest @5000% or more, it's not a Joke!

This is definitely one means of collecting data and gauging public interest.

.IN is in heavens and it's going to stay there for our lifetime. No doubt about it, my opinion :)
The tools you linked to are tiny when compared to Insights. You have to rethink your strategies if you choose to ignore Google.

Real businessmen gauge user interest using every tool at their disposal. Ha Ha funny Man, you call Insights BS, God Bless You. I honestly think your comment is Idiotic, no offense. BTW the sources you mentioned are worthy tools but they are TINY if you know how to use Google's free Tools.

Challenge me in a better way! thanks.
I meant it was BS for checking domain trends.
Its a great tool but not in this case.

No it is not about what is right or wrong, It is a tool of choice one among many just not yours. Go confirm with your peers who know what domaining is if you like.

First of all this is a thread about a Guy who is delighted to see .in trends soar to new heights, he wanted to share his joy.

You came in criticising it is fine there should be discussion a healthy one I agree, but why are you bothering to participate in this thread if you hate Google Insights Search so much that you have to step into another individuals thread and call the Tool itself BS for the purpose? Who gave you that authority? How come you took it for granted?

Do you know how much traffic Google drives to my sites? or any other .in websites on average? It is up there almost 90% or more. So in what capacity you call Insights Search BS?

My point is it is not a BS choice to check on domain trends using insights. It is definitely a major helper tool to define value. The tools of your Choice are not of any value because they only reflect the down market and user sentiment of taking advantage of it as of now. Right now they are just there as a reference point for us to know where market stands now, where it is heading etc. So the numbers are always low. 99% of the .in names at Sedo are getting undersold for only 10% of their real value on average. So what are you trying to prove here?

Go take the advantage of the market, recently reader.in sold for $200 what kind of F*cked up reference is it to me or anyone in business? I go with the flow I don't question things where there is no need.

I myself bought some premium names for $5, when there is a seller and it is offered for a bargain snoop it. But everyone including those sellers selling premium names for peanuts should know that, if they make a small site like @getaddicted's HairSpa.In they will make at least 50% ROI which is impossible normally when you look at economics. But on the Internet it is possible.

Be desperate looking at the down market which is rising slowly as it should and sell good names for peanuts or hold them and develop simple sites on them?

Your Tools doesn't even tell me what do do with the domain other than those low depressing numbers. Google's suggest and Insights give me hope and ideas of what to do on a particular website.

Mr. Kussy my intention is not to hurt you. But having wrong assumptions and trying to emphasize things that are wrong on a public forum is not welcomed.

People should be able to use all available options and then decide their path. Writing off tools for no reason is not appreciated.

I apologize in advance if I have hurt your feelings. This message is not to you, to everyone who tries to override a tool of choice. User rising searches help decide the price of a domain alongside the tools you mentioned. They all go hand in hand.

SInce we are talking about "BS", out of all you said, this to me is actual BS. If that isn't the market price, then why did it sell?Desperate seller?most .in sellers on sedo aren't that desperate.Average .in end user price is $700-$1500(Most .in sales reported in inforum fall in that range)so you can't say factually that most .in names selling on sedo now are selling for 10% of their worth. Maybe 10% of their future worth? in that case that would still need to be 5-10 years out.

99% of the .in names at Sedo are getting undersold for only 10% of their real value on average..
SInce we are talking about "BS", out of all you said, this to me is actual BS. If that isn't the market price, then why did it sell?Desperate seller?most .in sellers on sedo aren't that desperate.Average .in end user price is $700-$1500(Most .in sales reported in inforum fall in that range)so you can't say factually that most .in names selling on sedo now are selling for 10% of their worth. Maybe 10% of their future worth? in that case that would still need to be 5-10 years out.

@WarBux ;) you caught me! as I mentioned many times I don't question things and I am not a money man. That said what I actually meant was like you said future worth yes. When I said that, in my mind I am thinking they sell a domain a domain for $1000 they just make 1000, if they follow @GetAddicted's style they will make lots more than that over time and then in future sell the domain for future price :D I know I suck at writing even though English is my First Language :| we can't do much about it can we... thanks.
I thought of explaining a bit more on what I meant by ".in domains getting undersold at Sedo". I am aware of the fact that Market Price is the price, that is what we pay or expect in return when we sell in real world, I agree and have no objection with it. Point to note is it is my choice whether I go with the flow or wait(speculate) and maximize my benefits over time. Markets run on Speculation we all know it.

There is Real Value and There is perceived value. In the subject of estimation and costing there is a methodology on how to do estimation and costing for any given product. Because it is numbers game that same methodology can be applied to many things including domain name valuation. There is a reference point on what prices should be based on in theory. Market numbers agree with the theory or not is not important as market disagrees with theory most of the time. This is because the basic estimation and costing methodology does not take Speculation into account. In real life pricing depends on speculation and public interest meaning people who buy and sell shares, commodities or domains for that matter.

While majority of us understand the basics above, what defines a Successful investor/The investor on the less shining or losing end is how they Speculate and how well they do it. Market is the reference point to everybody I am no exception.

When we look at perceived value, say Estibot valuation of reader.in is $13,000 USD and then real value when auctioned at Sedo sold for $200 USD. Difference is like Heaven and Hell. I do not vouch for Estibot's accuracy I used it to make a point that's all and this is one recent example, if I dig enough will find more.

When you look at perceived values of .com domains to their actual sold prices difference is not so huge. Those prices can be justified with real world examples.

Likewise current market invalidates theoretically perceived .in valuations. Why because it is riding low, .in is fairly new, less than 10% of India's population is online, those who are online around 60% accesses web from mobile devices. It is evolution of market in progress, this is natural nothing weird. Those who see value invest today for better future.

As an investor I speculate, my choice right now is Hold and Develop. Reason being my perceived price as of today is mostly going to be the market price in 10 years from now. How I know this because I am monitoring .in market from 2005 from the start. I know the prices back then, prices now, making use of this data I ended up with estimated average market price 10 years from now. I am not pricing any individual domain here I am talking in general how market may behave in future.

Whatever I said above is based on my common sense, I am not a professional market research guy don't rely on my advise do your own research.
If you are here on this forum it means you believe in .in's future in some way. Buy now and hold for the long haul. We all will be rewarded...
Buy & Develop & you will be rewarded DAILY ;-)

Tools are used just for assumption, In Domaining You will never know what is going to make you money, Every Tool, everything just gives an idea. When you see Domain sale, half of the domains you may feel are not even worth $1000/ but are sold in 5 Figures, When someone requires a domain badly they are goin to pay any price.

Google Insight, adword tool are just wonderful and amazing tools, it helps me a lot, When i buy a domain, this are the first tools i use.

Its Your call, if you want to sell a Domain for $1000 or develop and earn $1, $5, $100 / day.....

@ Nametrader, Thank you for promoting my site Hairspa :D............
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For sure what getaddicted said. If you can develop - then develop as your number one priority, but at the very least be into .in for the long haul! :)


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