Impossible to appraise new gTLD domain names


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Elliot Silver shares his thoughts regarding new gTLD appraisal:

If an appraisal can’t be at least somewhat accurate, it doesn’t make sense to even try. I want to share some of the reasons for why I think it would be impossible to give an appraisal of new domain extensions:

There is a lack of public sales reported. Yes, there have been some publicly reported sales and public auction results, but those are a tiny fraction of domain names that exist. Believe it or not, there are now over 17 million new gTLD domain names in existence, according to I see few new gTLD domain name sales reported weekly.

Domain registrars privately sell (or work out deals) on their premium inventory. This means that we have an even more limited amount of data available to look at to get an idea of appraised values.

There are a ton of alternative extensions that may be very similar. How can you even hazard a guess about the value of a domain name when there are several similar extensions that can be registered, in addition to even more keywords. If someone wants to open an online pet store on a new gTLD, all of these might be fairly equal: Pet.Shop, Pet.Store, Pets.Online, Pets.Website, Pets.Site.



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