How much would you pay for traffic?


I'm cheap. I like my traffic organic and free, or at most 3 US cents a click. How much would you normally pay for traffic, and does it make a difference to you whether these are sales leads or content views?
I think this depends on a lot of things, including the level at which my business, at any particular point in time, will be operating from. Cost wouldn't be such a big factor, as long as I'm getting the desired results.
I would consider the quality of the traffic. I like free traffic too, and if I did have to pay for it, I would want quality traffic otherwise I might be getting cheap traffic that will never convert.
I caught a webinar last week where Fred Lam was showing people how to get traffic for pennies using some really unique ways and my favorite is using Facebook ads and solo ads. I think you can get quality traffic for very little as long as it's from a reputable source.
I also love organic quality traffic. Would there be a limit on how much I'd be willing to spend? That would be dependent on how much I was targeting. At this point in time Mallard, I'm with you on this. 3 cents per click will definitely do.
If every lead that you got from the paid traffic source brought in a dollar, then would it make sense to pay a dollar for each click? I'm not saying that happens but this is just me wondering and trying to make sense of it all. Say you advertise on Facebook and it costs you $100 and you get 10 people to sign up to your list and only one buys a product where your profit is $100.

This essentially means that you got 10 email subscribers for free, doesn't it?
If every lead that you got from the paid traffic source brought in a dollar, then would it make sense to pay a dollar for each click? I'm not saying that happens but this is just me wondering and trying to make sense of it all. Say you advertise on Facebook and it costs you $100 and you get 10 people to sign up to your list and only one buys a product where your profit is $100.

This essentially means that you got 10 email subscribers for free, doesn't it?
A very valid point you raise. Initially, I see a lot of people not really keen on short-term sales leads, as opposed to the long-term sales. It makes absolute sense to want value for money but when starting out, business owners are often advised to be keen on leads that may not necessarily purchase an item immediately.
That depends on the level and type of your business, However, if it were me i wouldn't prefer paying for traffic because i always consider organic traffic as the best. Most of times your site is ranked based the amount of organic traffic it gets rather than paid traffic. Besides there are lot of ways to get tonnes of organic traffic to your site, so why pay for something while you can get it for free.
I would pay thru the roof for targeted Google and Bing traffic if I could afford it. Nonetheless, it might be possible to use social media as a list. For instance, you could advertise to page followers over and over until they buy. Note, in that case, social media traffic would be more valuable in certain instances.
As a matter of facts, no amount of money invested on building traffic can be too much. Once traffic starts coming, money starts rolling. So, how much would I spend on advertising that will be a waste? Every business advertised never lacks potential visitors.
If every lead that you got from the paid traffic source brought in a dollar, then would it make sense to pay a dollar for each click? I'm not saying that happens but this is just me wondering and trying to make sense of it all. Say you advertise on Facebook and it costs you $100 and you get 10 people to sign up to your list and only one buys a product where your profit is $100.

This essentially means that you got 10 email subscribers for free, doesn't it?
Yeah, but long term that doesn't pay for hosting or the other costs of the site, does it? I'm not really interested in paying for traffic if it doesn't make me money to live on.
There are still people who go on PTC sites. Perhaps if you paid certain companies to list your ad in their PTC program you might get some cheap traffic. Bad thing is, nobody guarantees that traffic will be good for you. If you only aim for the traffic, I would say go for it, but if you want both traffic and a solid outcome from it, aim for something that will bring you both traffic and followers.
I must say that like you I am very cheap. However, sometimes when you want things done correctly you have to pay a little bit more than you want to, but in the end it benefits you and your business more than a cheap service would.


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