Hindi Release of Windows 7



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Microsoft has announced the beta release of Windows 7. It is releasing the program in 6 different versions - including one in Hindi:

This follows Microsoft's launch of Language Interface Packs (LIPs) in 12 Indian languages for MS Office and Windows.

This could be followed by full fledge launches of future releases from the company in Hindi and other vernacular languages and in turn suggests that Microsoft is waking up to seriously notice the requirements of emerging markets which could provide it the next big opportunity looking at capping of I.T budgets in its prime markets.

Windows 7: To be launched in 6 versions with a beta release in Hindi | WATBlog.com - Web, Advertising and Technology Blog in India
Absolutely! For all the criticisms of Microsoft, they are actually well ahead of most domainers when it comes to this sort of thing.
Now this leaves me with one big question,..
Hindi IDN or .in and .co.in ?!!
just regd डॉ.COM (dr.com) and परदा.COM (screen.com)
also have श्रीमती.COM(mrs.com) and एटीएम.COM(atm.com)
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You can't get IDN .in or .co.in domains yet.

I think that Hindi IDN domains have potential, but the key is that they are a *really long term* play.
hi jeff,
*really long term* is relative,if global economy picks up then the market blooms,in india the hindi market is right now quite untapped,but the last few months have been a fastforward,and its really waiting to catch fire!
what in your view is *really long, .. i think 3-4 years the market will not have too many free good hindi .coms ,just checked 100-1000.com none available,i.e. 900 IDNs ,that too NNNs and NNNNs gone!!..most of the niche are gone,almost like the .in market,...it would be a good if a comparative study is done,...hindi.com is very new,so even if the ratio is 1/10 it would be really amazing..tc
Thats really a great news, there are so many users who prefer hindi language over others and this initiative of microsoft would indeed help a large group of people.
, .. i think 3-4 years the market will not have too many free good hindi .coms ,just checked 100-1000.com none available,i.e. 900 IDNs ,that too NNNs and NNNNs gone!!..most of the niche are gone,
i meant the .ins,
its very obvious the nnn.in s are definitely going first
but can i ask what is the use of these NNN.ins i mean i can understand 666.in or 1000.in but 3929.in eg: is there any broad use of these nnn or nnnn.in s or .com s for the matter(apart from reseller vaue because of their uniqueness)


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