Easiest way of developing a domain



New Member
Hi guys,

I have a bunch of domains lying around which are basically not being developed as I don't have enough time. What is the fastest and easiest way of developing a domain so that you can earn some revenue from it?
ya i can also do it for just small fee! for the same task! pm for it!

i prefer making the site in niche rather than installing wordpress! for example if you have a music domain, then dont waste making a wordpress blog on music, rather get a music sharing portal! though this costs a bit more but it is worth every $ you spend and increases resale value! because the wordpress trend is old! and buyers of blogs arent always happy as they will need to pay a web designing, seo and marketing company again to remake the site, but in case they get a developed site with pagerank and all traffic etc beforehand then they save not just time but also money and are more happy from their fellow sellers! and my marketing strategy says a happy buyer = a repeating buyer !

i would also like others opinion on this!
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Here an interesting quote from DNJournal.com which arrived in my email today. The person speaking is an exec at Sedo:

With domains, you also have the option of undertaking full scale development - a strategy that can produce a quantum leap in income if it is done right. However, Simonton cautioned that developing successful sites is easier said than done. "Make sure that if you are going to develop something you know exactly what you are going to do. You have to put everything behind it."
Because total focus is needed to build a site that stands out from the pack, Simonton observed "You really don't run into too many companies that have hundreds of sites that
<img width="280" border="0" height="327">​
Sedo VP Sam Nunez
are built out. Even very successful developers like the Internet Real Estate Group only have about ten sites built out at once. But when they build them, they build them really really well," Simonton said.
"That's the most important thing. If you do it - make sure you do it right. Make sure you have the money and the time to see it through. It might take six months to two years before you make a single penny," Simonton added.
There is a lot of truth to that quote. I'm glad someone is saying this. Development is really hard work and that's just the beginning. Once the site is developed, you have to market it, which is even harder.

It takes a lot of time and money to make a site successful, and there are never any guarantees.
Yet program of developing your domains is a free program at SEOparking.com: Free Domain Name Parking.
You Join program and park your domain with them. They provide you with articles which you can post as per your domain subject. It also has a option of auto posting 5, 10, 15 etc articles of your selected category. You can add your own adsense codes and the earnings is also yours. This way you can increase the value of your domain name as it will be getting free content as well traffic.

I am using it for more than a dozen domain and find it quit nice.
freeads - can you also set the meta tags if needed?

The live sites (sample listed below of the homepage) I saw at seoparking.com have no page ranks at all

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Yes you can also set your own keywords.

About parked domains - These are not indexed by search engines and also there value does not increase , may be you can earn by clicks, but if your site has contents your site gets indexed and also your site gets a page rank.
In SEOParking.com the site provided for your domain is wordpress blog. you can post your own articles, you can put your own ads, you can select and manually post articles provided by the seoparking or you can just select the category and set it to autopost. daily articles as per the set nos. are posted. In due time your page rank, traffic and earnings will increase. A new concept will also be introduced shortly ( as per mail received by me) where in you can post article in blogs of other members with links to your blog, and thereby geting you free backlinks, againg increase in traffic. I have joined it about 3 months back. Some of my domains for your refernce are as follows (requested by member: Haresh)

have look and if have something better then let me know.

Next week I will post about another similar site.

Thanks till then:rolleyes:
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Has anyone successfully created and maintained a large portfolio of 'mini-sites'? I am thinking of something on the scale of 500-1000!
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I think Rick Latona does this.

You'd need a whole team for a project that large.

I'd think it would make sense to scale up to that amount gradually so that you can work out any problems and make sure that you're actually scaling up profits rather than just a workload.
I'm not sure how you define "successfully" ;-)

I've set up a network of about 180 domains, of which around 30 are actual active sites. The active sites are all integrated into the same database system and custom design template built on the b2evolution open source multi-blog platform. The full list is WisitEarth.in and an example of an active site is Galapagos.in.

I'm also going to start experimenting with some of the newer, more robust landing/content hybrids such as Noomle and DevHub and see how they compare...

Setting up a network of sites is the easy part of it, making money from it consistently is important.

Thanks for sharing the interesting info. Few Qs:

- Does the site allow you to stick your own adsense or other advertising code?
- How is the revenue from this source (gues somebody already asked this.)
- Why is this a free service? Are there any hidden charges/ processes?
- How many people do you know using this?

I have been fortunate to have developed multiple websites from scratch.
I have found some things useful and others not. One of the most important aspects of a successful site is planning. Here is the planning process I have used.

  1. Research
    1. Take notes on your initial unbiased impression of the client?s current website (if one exists)
    2. Get input from the people who have used the current website- what do they like/dislike. What problems does it have?
    3. Do competitive research. How does this site compare to the others- what parts is it strong or weak in compared to the competition?
    4. Do keyword research. How does the current website rank in Google/Yahoo/MSN. What pages bring the most traffic? Can this be improved even more? Is there ?low hanging fruit? to capitalize on (in respect to optimizing and building content)?
    5. How is the current traffic and web stats? What is the behavior of the current visitors- do they bounce immediately away from the site, or are they reading multiple pages of content
  2. Make a schedule- based on your research, how long do you expect to complete the website. Estimate with an extra ?cushion? of time to compensate for unexpected problems or delays. Also, you may ?break down? your schedule into component parts- such as this outline.
  3. Make initial design ideas
    • Sketch designs on paper
    • Close your eyes and visualize yourself visiting a new website with a fresh and innovative design- what does it look like? What elements would make it impressive and stand out? Try to capture this through your mind?s eye and sketch it out on paper.
    • Make at least 10 designs- and make them all very different. Keep it general and don?t get stuck on a particular design solution yet.
    • Pick the top 3 designs and then make more design variations from each of those 3 versions- perhaps at least 3 of each. 3?3=9. Then, of the nine versions, choose the top three.
    • Now, get outside input. Ask others which of the 3 sketches they like, and what suggestions they have.
  4. Make the top 3 designs in Photoshop - make each very different.
  5. Show others the designs- get feedback- make revisions and redesign in Photoshop.
  6. Now, try to find html templates that best match your design structure. Ideally, you want to choose a core template that is css based, W3C compliant, and ready for SEO. If you can?t find a suitable template, then it?s time to design one yourself. It?s very important to start with a strong core template that is error free and organized perfectly.
  7. Once your template is done, it?s time to design multiple pages.
  8. Complete all of your pages, make sure it validates, make sure it is still SEO friendly, and start marketing the heck out of it.


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