Dot .IN Price Projections / 4 Levels or Categories


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Domain names whether .com or .in can be categorized into 4 levels. Check out some of my projections for .IN domains - Super Premium, Premium , High Quality and Quality . Why you want to own domains in the Top 100,000 to be ahead in the domain market


Note: These are projections based on known history of .com domains and their sales. Dot .IN Price projections of 20% value of .com, is based on some evidence that .CO.UK and .CN have reached those levels

A few more thoughts:

  • Dot .IN market feels so much like 1998/9 .COM days. .IN has 2 million domains registered, right about what .COM was in those years. Cable broadband was being rolled out here in the US and people were signing up in masses. The similar rollout going on now in India, althought it is through high speed mobile. Sure, DOT .IN was introduced 12 yrs ago, but the timing was early for India's infrastructure. We saw with .COM a decade of tremendous price growth between 1999 -2009 (just check with some domainers who bought domains in 1999 for 5k or 10k and sell them for 500k about 10 yrs later). This feels like 2017-2027 could be the decade for DOT .IN /.CO.IN and India turns 70 yrs since independence this year. So it might be the decade of tremendous price growth. So pay attention to that
  • As someone who invested in domains in 1998 and having run a business using keyword domains, can tell you based on the traffic that am seeing from India, that english keywords works and just ask websites like Linkedin, Facebook and Google. I will make this bold claim that english keyword domains with DOT .IN are going to more valuable than all other cctlds including .CN, .CO.UK , etc. It would second only to .COM in pricing
  • DOT .IN investors are represented from all over world, in fact more than 50% of the 2 million are held by folks in US, Canada, China, UK, Germany etc. DOT .IN does not have residency requirements from the get to and this has helped its growth worldwide, which I believe is an essential ingredient. Some early investors dropped out of DOT .IN due to lack of progress over the years, but you have to understand India is a large democratic country where things happen very slowly. But now I do believe several factors are coming together including increased enquiries for .IN domain names, that this might be India's decade.
With all distractions in the last few years, even .COM had its best year in 2010 (check sales charts). So its not a surprise that .IN was slowing down. I do see an uptick in .COM this year and fellow .IN investors are confirming the same for .IN / CO.IN domains. Maybe the dust is settling and let the Real Extensions rise...
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Interesting way of looking at things!

I think 10% may be more realistic, for the top two categories at least.

Also, there's not going to be a linear relationship for all domains - e.g. Indian geos or Hindi expressions may be worth a much higher percentage.
I agree 20% is a bit high overall, but wanted to get people's attention to the potential anyway. Agree the way Indian market is going to unfold for various categories is going to be interesting. There has been an uptick this year for enquiries overall, pricing is sticking point still. Also, I believe Indian market is going to resemble the US and there are no other 1 billion+ english user market out there, so a lot of factors working in India's favor for english keywords as well.


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