BrandBucket Featured in Forbes Article on shortcuts for startups


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Forbes published an article on startups, the article titled, Four Shortcuts To A Faster, Lower-Cost Business Startup focuses on ways to get your business of the ground faster. On the domaining side the brandable boutique BrandBucket got a mention in shortcut number one.

"1. Make the right impression. Your branding effort begins with the selection of a suitable identity. A name that is catchy, a URL that ends in .com, and a logo that is professional and iconic, best serve most companies. Normally, you would test many possible name/URL combinations before finding one that is available, but there’s a new trend in name selection that could be faster for you. carries an inventory of over 19,000 business names—all of which are available for immediate purchase, and most of which end in .com. Margot Bushnaq, Founder and CEO explains how this service came about. “Six years ago, my husband and I realized we were sitting on some really great URLs that we would probably not use. So we created some custom logos to go along with each URL and put them up for sale.” In the last six years, BrandBucket has sold more than 2,500 name/URL/logo packages, while growing 100% year-over-year. And this site is not just for buyers. Bushnaq has created a marketplace where sellers can place their surplus URLs that are deemed valuable by BrandBucket. "

Complete article may be found on Forbes


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