Best free images site


When it comes to free stock photographs to use on your website, which site has the best selection of images in your opinion?
Pixabay. There are close to a million pictures there and there is quite an eclectic mix of them. You don't have to sign in or anything, just have your snipping tool handy.
Thanks for the suggestion. I will be sure to check Pixabay out too. I've been using up a lot of my time going from site to site and sifting through countless low quality images. This may be what I have been looking for.
I know what you mean, Dusart. The quality of some of the images from these free sites is just awful. I guess the old adage is true, you get what you pay for.
There are plenty of sites out there with images or wallpapers of great quality. I always google and find a couple of them. I have never seen the need to pay for these.
It is a good idea to pay for the ones that you want to own exclusively or if you're into branding your site. I don't like finding the same images on different websites and I'm sure most other people feel that way too.
Google is usually my go-to which sources to other websites that offer images that I need. If not, I can just try to design my own image with photoshop.
I personally use Pixabay and Unsplash. These two sites have license mentioned on their each image. And if you wish to use their images in commercial products, then that can be done as well. I'd say you should check out unsplash. It has the best image library. And there is also stocksnap with growing library.


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