Where I Get My Domain Name Ideas From

Have you ever considered looking at the map to get ideas for domain names? There are many places on the map which do not have websites using their names. Most of the names of these places are in the public domain. So it's a matter of who gets to register the domain first. Some places may be obscure now. However, in a few years' time, it can become well-known. That's when the domain name of that place would have value.
That's a really good suggestion, many times we just need to think out of the box in order to get good ideas for domain names.
I can't tell you how long I suffered trying to come up with a name for my ONE website when I first began. I wish I had known then what I read in the opening post here. Thanks so much for sharing this valuable information.
Have you ever considered looking at the map to get ideas for domain names? There are many places on the map which do not have websites using their names. Most of the names of these places are in the public domain. So it's a matter of who gets to register the domain first. Some places may be obscure now. However, in a few years' time, it can become well-known. That's when the domain name of that place would have value.
I have never thought of such an idea and it is true that it is a lot about who gets to register the domain first. I agree with this suggestion especially with the fact that in a few years, some obscure places will become well-known.
Isn't that a bit of a long shot? What if the places don't gain in popularity and you're left sitting with all those domain names that no one wants? I like a sure thing, and that is not a route that I would take.
I often get asked where I get my ideas for registering domain names and the truth is from everywhere.

If you pay close attention to whats going on around you sooner or later you will have domain name ideas flying at you faster than you can register them.

Now lets be very clear here, I am not talking about making up any old name like homulono.in or jubagawa.in or other nonsensical rubbish that I see people registering all the time or worse paying hundreds for from drop lists!! Hello!!.

I am talking about names that relate to a product or service that someone at this very moment somewhere in the world (or preferably India) is spending money on.

Any time I go shopping or standing looking at magazines in book store or watching TV I find domain name ideas come at me like lightning bolts. ( I always make a note to myself on my mobile phone so I don't forget when I am out so I can check the domain when I get home) they just don't stop. Its infectious!!

Magazines are a perfect example. If a magazine exists for a certain subject such as Digital SLR Cameras then it makes perfect sense that there is money to be made especially when you consider what companies / businesses are spending on advertising in those magazines. ( By the way I own digitalslrcamera.in & digitalslrcameras.in so don't waste your time checking that one ) :)

Another obvious one is your local Yellow Pages!! What a great place for domain names.
Just look at what these businesses are spending on advertising, its tens of thousands a year for many and some advertise in different ones across the country. I know of many companies I consult to for my Internet Marketing business that are spending AU$100,000 annually on the Yellow Pages. Wow.

These are your potential end user domain buyers that if dealt with correctly may one day soon want to buy one of your domains but not if its crap.

Here are just some of the domains that I registered in the past few days from following what I have just talked about above.














Money is being spent on these items every day from people with Bad Breath (or Halitosis as its medical term) looking for a cure to a man that needs a new Electric Shaver or a company that ships them and needs RFID Tags and Tracking in place to manage the products in transit. (If you are not sure what RFID is check this out Radio-frequency identification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

It is just common sense that does not seem that common at all from some of the domains I see listed here for sale. My advice is don't waste your time or money as you can hand register better names with a bit of effort and research. I would not even pay reg fee for most of them.

Yes I can hear the cries from the upset domainers trying to flog their crap onto unsuspecting new domainers in this forum as I type this post, but I don't give a dam as it needs to be pointed out.


Look at what is being sold and ask yourself this question! Is this domain of value to an end user or not??? The extension of the domain is important but not critical as you can get a .biz to do well in the search engines just as much as a .co.in or .in but if your market is India then focus on the .co.in or .in as it will stand a better chance of getting type in traffic and is better suited to a local market.

So to end my rant I say don't look for short cuts, do your homework and research the opportunities are EVERYWHERE you just have to open your eyes and ears and look at domains through the eyes of a end user.

It has worked for me over the years and it can for you as well.

Have a great day.


Ed Keay-Smith
Domains, Domain Name News and Domain Names Information.
I agree with everything you have said, especially the last part where you highlight the importance of research and devoting enough time and/or resources towards getting an appropriate domain name. I learned (albeit the hard way) that it makes sense to pay close attention to what the domain name will be. When I registered my first domain ever, a lot of people couldn't understand what it was all about.
I like the idea of looking at the map for domain name ideas. This is something that I don't think a lot of people are doing. I think I will look into that a little more.
Great post.. I like how you keep it simple when coming to choosing your domain name, for people tend to over think things, when dealing with domain names and stray away from its relation to the topic..
Sometimes I check lists of expired domains to see if there's anything close to what I am working on. Getting extra traffic from the links already set up to the closed site worked really well the last time I bought one.
Sometimes I check lists of expired domains to see if there's anything close to what I am working on. Getting extra traffic from the links already set up to the closed site worked really well the last time I bought one.
That's a clever idea. Sometimes it is beyond budget of the starting stage, although we can also use the list as a good source of inspiration or variation for similar names. That way, we can still benefit from both links.
Exactly. If we can't buy the domain we want, we might get a similar one. Domain names are important sure, but more important is the quality of the site.
This thread is full of a lot of invaluable information. We all need to be creative when thinking of domain names and it times it just needs a little attention to detail. Looking at the world map is such a good suggestion.
Creativity is important, but looking at the world map might look for some, and not others. In reality, inspiration can come from everywhere, for me comes better after being in the nature or working out.
Creativity is important, but looking at the world map might look for some, and not others. In reality, inspiration can come from everywhere, for me comes better after being in the nature or working out.
Very true because if all of us were to look at the world map for inspiration, then we'd soon exhaust every other idea therein. The point here is that there is no limit to where we can get our ideas from.
Exactly, we can get inspired anywhere, but the most important is picking a catchy name, a name people will like and remember.
I agree that the best domain names come from using your best keywords in the name. This accomplishes a two fold task. One, to create a really good domain name that will be easily searched for, and Two, keywords help your domain get recognized as an expert more readily by a wider number of people searching for those keywords.


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