XXX,XXX U.S. Dollar IDN Sale!


New Member
A Russian IDN has been sold for XXX,XXX U.S. Dollars, as reported on various IDN Forums.
Considering the huge Indian looks like Indian IDN Domains are about to rise significantly in value!
Wow - that's amazing! What sort of verification has been done to show that this is a real sale?

This could be the of the IDN world.
Hi, Jeff.

I've dealt with the buyer before, and you can take it to the bank, IMO.
He has stated, that he will release more details in the next couple of weeks.
Amazing, it's a large of amount. I wonder what domain is that? Furthermore, from this thread i think India domain market will become larger in future.
Apparently, there was a 1 domain $XXX,XXX U.S. deal, and also a $X,XXX,XXX U.S. package deal.
Looks like Россия.com (Russia) may have been the 6 figure deal, and
бизнес.com (Business), was part of a 7 figure deal, completed last week.
Thanks for the update stbmax!

Both domains are held by the prominent attorney, John Berryhill, in Trust, so it looks like the transaction may not yet be complete?

7 figures? - That's amazing!
This is simply Huge, in any respect. a 6 or 7 figure deal for an IDN is something most people haven't thought of earlier. But Indian Market is a bit slow to react to IDNs in my view so Indian IDN's would charge up a bit later.


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