Why do LLLs are sought after?



New Member
Why do you think LLLs and NNNs are sought after. People shell out more bucks for them. As far as I think its just because they are easy to remember. Any more reasons?
Another reason might be that there are only a limited number of LLLs and NNNs, which make them valuable.

There are probably other reasons - perhaps someone else can highlight what they are.
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I agree with both of your comments. NNN and LLL are valuable both due to 1) Easy memorability 2) relative Rarity 3) Many acronyms 4) Very Brandable

Only 1000 NNN and 17,576 LLL can ever exist in any extension.

This may seem like a lot but over 50 million domains are registered but how many are short and sweet like NNN and LLL?

As investments LLL and NNN names hold a nice balance between value and growth. They will rarely be the biggest and most valuable names but they will steadily appreciate in value.
As far as acronym part goes it is basically because they are easy to remember, and I think they are very brandable. I just checked out n4g.com - news for gamers, all the points highlighted by domainlobe were valid :) .
I agree with DomainLobe.

Also, for domainers, investing in them is often easier than other alternatives. You need to know a lot less to invest in LLL's and NNN's than you need to know to invest in generics.

As well, it is easier to track price movements for LLL's and NNN's than for generics. The market is a lot clearer and more transparent.

They are liquid investments - they are pretty easy to sell quickly and you know in advance approximately what you will get. Selling other domains is harder to do quickly and if you are in a hurry to sell you likely need to make major price reductions.
I agree with both of your comments. NNN and LLL are valuable both due to 1) Easy memorability 2) relative Rarity 3) Many acronyms 4) Very Brandable

Only 1000 NNN and 17,576 LLL can ever exist in any extension.

This may seem like a lot but over 50 million domains are registered but how many are short and sweet like NNN and LLL?

As investments LLL and NNN names hold a nice balance between value and growth. They will rarely be the biggest and most valuable names but they will steadily appreciate in value.

I too completely agree with DomainLobe. In online world your domain is one of the most important thing. It can bring in traffic as well as can simplify life of your visitors.

Plus everyone is looking for something exclusive. It has become a key to sustainability.


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