Which is the best platform to blog?



New Member
Which is the best platform to blog on? I have used both Wordpress and Blogger, but have no idea about movable type and the newer ones like B2evolution . Are these two better than wordpress?
I don't know much about B2evolution. I've heard a lot of bad things about Blogger and Moveable Type.

I use Wordpress, primarily because it's really easy to use.

If you've got the time and skills, I think Joomla is the way to go.
Yea but Joomla is more of a CMS and less of a blog platform. Joomla can be used to make really great looking websites :D
I think Blogger ( the new one ) is a lot improved, with many features being implemented which can be considered comparable to WordPress, but WP is the best way to Blog, the customization and plugins just make it a better platform, and not to forget that it is pretty fast in response.
I don?t know the other types but I have a bad experience on Blogger because they have deleted my blog for having those paid sponsored reviews.

Right now, I?m Wordpress which I?m hosting on my own server and I am much happy because I can do whatever I like.
Did they stopped your blog for paid reviews? That should not have been the case, and you could have asked them for a reconsideration, if it was mistakenly done.
The thing with those free platforms is that they could shut you down whenever they like it. Another thing that I don?t like on using those free platform is that I couldn?t sell them once, I got tired of putting some content on them.
I have used only wordpress and not blogger. I had a thought to use nucleus. But have not yet tried it. I have not used any other blogger platform.
WordPress is a popular open source blogging platform. In Wordpress you have the option of setting up a WordPress blog on your own server (for free) or creating a WordPress-hosted blog at WordPress.com.
I would like to suggest you to use wordpress for blog as the best platform.It is much more effective.

Both wordpress and blogger platforms are quite popular, but I most prefer blogger because it’s advanced and also recommended by many professionals.
As per my experience, Wordpress is best when it comes to SEO. You should definitely go for wordpress, Shared hosting is ok for a small blog but but when your blog grows, say upto 5-10K visitors daily you need to switch to a vps(virtual private server) coz your shared host may shut your site down as they assign a fixed % of processes to each shared account.
Looking at Blogger, it is hosted at Blogger itself. So, Hosting is free you just need to pay for domain (incase you want to use your doman).
I personally suggest to go for Wordpress if you are serious about your blog and have $$ to invest.
I hope this helps you choose.
Have a nice day :)
wordpress and blogger both are good. I won't advice joomla. I prefer wordpress because of the free plugins and added features.
I have used joomla but now land-up to word-press because of good available CMS, themes and easy to use future.
Blogger is really good. We don't have to pay for hosting and blogger has improved a lot in past 1 year. Only disadvantage i see there are no official plugin-widget library and in rare cases Google can delete your blog.
blogger is good but problem is not all affiliate network approve blogger site, I applied in many but mostly get rejected with reason that they don't accept free domains

I also heard many time they just delete accounts and this is really a concern to me if they delete my account I will loose all site or can I just move my content to other domain and is that okey for SEO to copy my content to other domain, I keep a copy of my site just in case

Blogger is really good. We don't have to pay for hosting and blogger has improved a lot in past 1 year. Only disadvantage i see there are no official plugin-widget library and in rare cases Google can delete your blog.


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