Premium .coms - Need Appraisals!
Well, im running outta time to develop these as i have too many things in my priority list to do beforehand.

So say lets say i sell: + combo.. so how much bucks could i expect to get?

Note: Even though i dont have time to develop.. but i can help the buyer by telling him what to do and how to do it... everything from which software to use and theme to use and layout of sites are ready in my plan file which i can give to the buyer if i get a good price for the domains.

So take time and tell your appraisals for these..!

Abhishek values them at $150 total... A few comments if I may, both items such as plugin and templates are mostly free on the net. If you find a newbie that will pay, it is a one-time pop. I would find them time to develop them or find a partner and develop custom themes that allow for shopping, membership fees etc. values them at $150 total... A few comments if I may, both items such as plugin and templates are mostly free on the net. If you find a newbie that will pay, it is a one-time pop. I would find them time to develop them or find a partner and develop custom themes that allow for shopping, membership fees etc.

there are sites like which converts around 20k template sales of $65 to over $2000 per template each month.. so why dont people just get the free templates rather than buying from template monster.. plus there's sites like SMF) and company which made the template design for plus inforum also used the VBSeo plugin which costs some bucks.. so why didnt Jeff use any free template and plugin instead when there are so many free and nulled ones available on the web? ask yourself these questions atleast once before you think that everybody uses free templates and plugins. there are things like customization in templates and plugins which makes every template and plugin different from others free ones available on the web. plus if all templates & plugins become free then owners of templatemonster and vbskinworks will be the first to be seen begging around in the streets.. dont you think?:confused:
and if you are the owner of a popular website which should be legal(not using nulled templates & plugins) & professional(not using free templates & plugins.. rather using a customized and paid one) and you expect to be running for 5 years atleast with support from developer of template or plugins in case anything goes wrong.. then you should go for customized templates and plugins.. not free ones ;) so there is still plenty of market and opportunities for designers of templates and plugins even in future.

as far as automated tools like are concerned.. they cant even estimate the real value of the domain itself.. as i have getting over 22k+ hits per day(as per my a/c proves this) but,, etc shows that i get 200 to 300 hits per day.. so whom do you believe..? the "Real Fact" or "Automated Tools".. plus you can see Ceres's reply post over here which mentions how much value the domains with the word "plugin" & "plugins" have as the word "plugins" also means "more things than just script plugins".. plus check for keyword "buy plugins" returns 11,900,000(11.9 Million) Results and "template partner" returns 19,800,000(19.8 Million) Results... that will "fail" your estimations in a second as stores only records of previous sales but not upcoming ones plus it doesnt understand that humans read "" as "BUY" & "PLUGINS" which is two premium words and a phrase or say almost a sentence.. and it is not a single word as the tool thinks before giving errorneous and unintelligent output ;) so you can also tell me if you are a "real human" who can read "BUY" & "PLUGINS" as two words or you are "an automated computer program" which thinks "buyplugins" is a single word.. before giving this appraisal ;)

PS:No offence intended! Everything was based on "real facts".. and experiences in my entire IT Career!
They are both good domains to develop, but I think that they are in markets where end users are not going to be willing to pay much of a premium for a domain.

I like the best as it's short and very descriptive. I'd peg it at low $xxx reseller. is nice but there are lots of other alternatives that are just as good. I think you'd struggle to get much more than mid $xx reseller.

I agree with what you are saying about the market in your last post, but I don't think that necessarily translates into a high value for your domains.
Well Jeff, means you also think its 150 bucks in total! ;) no problem!

OK.. but you missed on one point,
i said in my thread :
"Note: Even though i dont have time to develop.. but i can help the buyer by telling him what to do and how to do it... everything from which software to use and theme to use and layout of sites are ready in my plan file which i can give to the buyer if i get a good price for the domains."

This plan file includes the following:
a>2 Years Of Researched Information On The Scripts/ CMS & programming Languages whose actual demand is there in the market.
b>List of names and types of the plugins and themes which make most sales in the market and also the ones which people need today but other theme and plugin providers arent able to provide them.
c>The design layout(an artist's impression) of both sites based on MVC model and which scripts, software to use to make these sites
d>Tactics of pricing, discounts, affiliate marketing and getting those themes and plugins developed
e>Reduction of support costs and how to license those themes and plugins and lock them to domains to give an unlimited domain license
f>Where to get buyers from.. tactics!

So do you think.. even after this inclusion of research work and plan file.. the price should be the same 150 bucks?... A Fresh Appraisal Is Needed Here!
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My appraisal was just for the domain names selling to a reseller.

If you've done all that work you might well be best off to carry the plans out even if it takes you a while before you have the time or resources. People generally don't like to pay for potential, even if it comes with detailed guidance.
@jeff, I think you are right.. that i should start the business myself even if takes some more time.

My only problem till date has been the fact that i lack resources and business partners/sponsors for every new venture of mine.. so it takes lots of time to carry out the plan.. and in the mean time i get de-motivated many times and try to leave it by trying to sell off my domains.. until finally time comes that due to luck.. no body buys the domains or things and in the end somebody always motivates me and i end up starting my own online venture. but there is one satisfaction.. that when i start with my own resources even if it means with $0.00 every time.. still i run in big profit and dont have any tension to pay back any sort of debts.. and this has happened every time.. so im a debt-free person till date... maybe there is something to do with luck even there.

This time and for past few more times.. you became the one to motivate me. Now selling plan is canceled! and i will definitely start this two sites no matter what happens!

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