Man Deletes His Entire Company After Typing Wrong Code
Doesn't really make sense?! I can see accidentally deleting one server, but what about backups, etc?
Doesn't really make sense?! I can see accidentally deleting one server, but what about backups, etc?
I accidentally ran, on all servers, a Bash script with a rm -rf {foo}/{bar} with those variables undefined due to a bug in the code above this line," he said.
He confirmed that the code had even deleted all of the backups that he had taken as the drives that were backing up the computers were mounted to it, the computer managed to wipe all of those too.

Is it a stunt for publicity then maybe!
Wow that is just crazy that someone would do that. I can't even believe that. Such a waste of his money.
Wow that is just crazy that someone would do that. I can't even believe that. Such a waste of his money.
It was just a marketing stunt, Lame Company.
He was immediately removed from server admin forum, when he admitted it as many server admin became furious for wasting their time on a lame marketing stunt.
It was just a marketing stunt, Lame Company.
He was immediately removed from server admin forum, when he admitted it as many server admin became furious for wasting their time on a lame marketing stunt.

So nothing of value was lost in that massive erasure, except precious time of other people but him.
I really don't see how this is possible when most domain services have mandatory backups even if you dont make your own.
I find it pretty crazy it deleted the "whole" company. I understand he ran it on all servers including the backups, but wouldn't you have some cloud, or even local backups on external hard drives that are separate to the main command interface controlling the online ones? Seems like some pretty poor preparation and practice. Also how do you accidentally type that for everything? And what do you even do at that point, your lively hood is gone, too bad for him really.
I find it pretty crazy it deleted the "whole" company. I understand he ran it on all servers including the backups, but wouldn't you have some cloud, or even local backups on external hard drives that are separate to the main command interface controlling the online ones? Seems like some pretty poor preparation and practice. Also how do you accidentally type that for everything? And what do you even do at that point, your lively hood is gone, too bad for him really.
I think you should read other posts intially and make a point, read my post just 3 posts above you will understand that it was a marketing technique and not a real thing which happened
This is pretty funny, though, I do feel pity for the person. I suppose it would be like losing a wallet full of 10,000 USD or something. Anyway, I guess all one can do is just start over and try to not think about spilled milk. :)
Wow, this is crazy. Obviously the man is successful and good at what he does, if the number of customers he has is anything to go by. I can't believe he made such a huge mistake.


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