.IN Zone File

Over the period of times , we regularly gets query from this forum members and our customers/resellers that do we have access to .IN zone files ?

This is very hard question to answer for us as a Registrar our answer is always NO.
But for all of you this is not very big deal in creating your own .In zone file as full zone file is not even useful to you, as it contains 70% names which you are not even interested to register in free, so always create list of your own choice names or name that can be marketable ....

Nobody have access to .IN zone file except .In registry top officials and few other top level management team members. All those domineers you think have the zone files are built the files over the years (of selected names) and you all thought they have the zone files (Why we are saying this ? because recently we saw one of the most prime name dropped by mistake (although domain name was registered till 2016 but deleted by registrant due to some mistake) and nobody registered it for full 7 hours after the drop - Please donot ask us the name and that name is worth USD xx,xxx, some of our close friends know the name also) So if somebody has access to that list then they can easily know which names are dropping today : (Your whole list requires whois check at least for every 10 days, otherwise you will not know any accidental release of names)

if you want to create list for yourself very easy methods here:

For LLL.in and NNN.in no issue as you can create yourself the full list in excel and for other names , there are lot of ways to do but some of them are :

1. signup with different blogs including INFORUM where people post their domain names for sale or just display their names, copy from there and place it in your list.

2. Collect the names from different sources like person who is willing to sell the names take the list from them.

3. Whatever names you like to register and whenever you check the whois record just add it in your list, no matter same is not available today but for future you have in the list.

4. Regularly check the domain name selling websites or auction sites and copy the names from there to add in your list.

5. Just go through .com list and create your own .In list by just changing the extensions to .IN for your choice of names.

Or where ever you see a .In name and if you like it or thought that same is valuable assets just collect it in your memory and drop it in your list.

Over the period of times you have list of great names .. which is better than any registry provided ZONE FILE.

We will like to see your comments on this.....
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Question, to Mitsu, I have over the years built on the this idea. Is it okay (legally) to put the list of dropping names on blogs before they drop?
Question, to Mitsu, I have over the years built on the this idea. Is it okay (legally) to put the list of dropping names on blogs before they drop?

Sure, you can put the list, if any issue will come with registry we are always with you to represent your case...........
I have my list which contain over 5000 domains (apart from LLL list)( and I know that it's a small list)...but the most frustrating part of the game is the method to scan them and time it takes to scan.Also any program to scan it will become slow once the database becomes bigger and bigger.
Really thank you for the post.

Few things that kept bothering me about access to zone file has been answered to an extent!

really looking forward for the biggies in indian cctlds.

i have already lost my list of premiums i created for tracking 2 years back when my comp crashed and now , it is only either backordering or in resale i look forward to !

also, one request, i used to have domaininspect to track domains, but now it is not woorking (over a year). is there any alternate to it to track?

thanks a lot in advance !
One more thing to scan and keep the list, Since year 2002 onwards we use Domain Punch Pro (we are not related to this software in any manner and we are also not promoting any software), this software is quite good and can handle fairly large list and you can control whois query time and lot more feature.

I have my list which contain over 5000 domains (apart from LLL list)( and I know that it's a small list)...but the most frustrating part of the game is the method to scan them and time it takes to scan.Also any program to scan it will become slow once the database becomes bigger and bigger.
One more thing to scan and keep the list, Since year 2002 onwards we use Domain Punch Pro (we are not related to this software in any manner and we are also not promoting any software), this software is quite good and can handle fairly large list and you can control whois query time and lot more feature.

Very interesting!

So, no legal issue using this tool to scan whois for thousands of domains (to build drop list for instance)?
I see this is very old post
just for update.
I now see .in info on most of the websites which give details of dropping names, most of them have added. .in now



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