Getting rid of spammers


Active Member
Isn't it become much harder to filter spammers as time goes by? What would be the best way to ensure that your website has minimal interference from such people? Competition is rife everywhere you go.
Download as many free filters as you can. This works well with e-mails and I'm sure some of the downloads can apply to what you need.
Which is the best filter that you can recommend? In my opinion, having a strong verification process in a website that requires registration might help in getting rid of spammers.
I think your idea to have people register and have a robust verification process will be enough to help you avoid spam on your site. I know it's getting harder and harder to keep spammers out, and we have to keep coming up with inventive new ways of doing so.
Spammers are always changing their tactics and what's important is having a mechanism that keeps them away. Spammers will definitely keep cropping up but what's important is ensuring that they are kept at bay.
I think that it's just best to keep vigilant when it comes to spammers on websites because no matter what you do to keep them away, they just keep finding more and more new and unique ways of getting past the security measures that you take.
Reputation management companies can help with this. It doesn't have to cost a lot of money when you hire a company just to keep spammers out
Reputation management companies can help with this. It doesn't have to cost a lot of money when you hire a company just to keep spammers out
This makes sense but isn't it much easier when we are doing such a thing on our own? My assumption is that a start up company would mind outsourcing, as opposed to an established company.
Getting rid of spammers is something that is so difficult to accomplish because these folks execute their games along with technology. So, they are quite smarter than you think and, thus, are hard to play any game with.They have a lot of articles online, asking people to pay for one service or the other.

I've personally been a victim of these spammers when I first started out online. Their websites are better designed than those of the genuine programs. So, it is quite hard, particularly for newbies to identify such websites. For instance, it took me about three years of starting online before I could identify spammers' websites and genuine ones.
If you have WordPress blog or website, then using Jetpack plugin named Akismet can be one good option. It can save a lot of your time. Once enabled you can easily get rid of the comments which are pure spam. And removing the links and the comments can be lot easier. Apart from akismet there are some comment moderation plugins that you can try.


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