Is simple better?


When it comes to your website and the design of it,what do you prefer? Do you think a simple layout or theme is better or do you prefer more complex layouts?
To me, it doesn't matter whether or not the design is complex. The visitor to the site should be able to relate to it instantly. Whatever you choose will also be determined by the amount of money you want to put in but ideally, a higher cost doesn't necessary translate to a great design/website.
I prefer a simple layout and one that strikes a visitor instantly. You want a potential customer to remember a website based on the first impression. A complex one, on the other hand, can chase away prospects.
It isn't clear what 'complex' means but if we are to take this literally, then I'd also go for a simple layout but one that's of good quality. You can't afford to come up with a design that isn't catch and/or attractive.
A simple layout that is easy to navigate is the best. When the layout is too complex, it may discourage visitors from accessing your site. Potential customers don't want to spend too much time looking for something in your website
Yes, simple is way better. You can achieve a lot by using a simple design because it doesn't necessarily mean a compromise on quality. On the contrary, a complex design doesn't mean that there is an additional cost incurred.
To me, it doesn't matter whether or not the design is complex. The visitor to the site should be able to relate to it instantly. Whatever you choose will also be determined by the amount of money you want to put in but ideally, a higher cost doesn't necessary translate to a great design/website.
In my business class, we talked about how the site should be easy for the customer to navigate no matter how it looks. We also discussed that the customer should want to use the site again, so your answer runs along the same lines.
A simple layout that is easy to navigate is the best. When the layout is too complex, it may discourage visitors from accessing your site. Potential customers don't want to spend too much time looking for something in your website
Yes the ability to navigate is very important, but I don't think that the design has to be simple for that to happen. I think that it's possible for the design to be complex and easy to navigate at the same time.
Yes, simple is way better. You can achieve a lot by using a simple design because it doesn't necessarily mean a compromise on quality. On the contrary, a complex design doesn't mean that there is an additional cost incurred.
You bring up some valid points. However, I think that if executed right a complex design can be just as a simple design and vice versa. I think that in the end it comes down to how the owner of the site feels about it.
@Kimla, I believe that this discussion should have first started with a definition of what a 'complex' design means? In the end, I think that whichever way we decide to go, the website should be catchy and attractive. People need to keep coming back to your site because they like the design, first and foremost.
@ritchie, I apologize if I confused you, but I figured that it was implied that by complex I meant the opposite of simple. Also, I agree that the sited design should make people want to come back.
@Kimla very true and even more intriguing is the fact that simplicity and/or complexity are two broad terms. Again, you may want to look at this from the aspect of what a particular website deals in. In a way, that determines the way the site will be laid out.
@Kimla very true and even more intriguing is the fact that simplicity and/or complexity are two broad terms. Again, you may want to look at this from the aspect of what a particular website deals in. In a way, that determines the way the site will be laid out.
Sure, the terms are broad and I didn't think of that. Using book covers as an example, some people describe simple covers as covers with just words and a solid color background while others consider a simple cover design to be any cover that didn't require and photo manipulation other than adding text.


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