Improving Keywords ranking
Jessica, this is generic advice because I'm not sure what site you're running or what platform it's on. However, if you're using Wordpress install the Yoast SEO plugin for help. Google favors sites that use https/ssl so it might be worthwhile to change your site if you haven't already. Regular updates to your site seems to help as well. So if you're blogging, it's beneficial to keep your content fresh.
Yes, Foroux, that is a good plugin but there is also Jetpack to help with SEO and Google recognition. I just now really getting into Wordpress with my blogs and learning about all the perks therein.
Content will always be king here. You can have the best keywords there are, but if they are not within quality content, Google will let you know.
Another thing you want to do is to minimize the competition as much as possible. If you are catering to a particular niche or geo location then concentrate on keywords for that niche or geo location only. Example: I was doing web development and SEO for a local HVAC contractor in my home town. Instead of using generic keywords for the business, I concentrated on using keywords including the landmarks and/or cities within a 100 mile radius of the central location. 5 months later, doing a search for "air conditioner repair in Pace Florida" had the site 1st page 3rd from the top of results whereas if we searched for "air conditioner repair" as a generic term we were not found in the first 20 pages. Content is king and correct keyword usage is paramount!
Another thing you want to do is to minimize the competition as much as possible. If you are catering to a particular niche or geo location then concentrate on keywords for that niche or geo location only. Example: I was doing web development and SEO for a local HVAC contractor in my home town. Instead of using generic keywords for the business, I concentrated on using keywords including the landmarks and/or cities within a 100 mile radius of the central location. 5 months later, doing a search for "air conditioner repair in Pace Florida" had the site 1st page 3rd from the top of results whereas if we searched for "air conditioner repair" as a generic term we were not found in the first 20 pages. Content is king and correct keyword usage is paramount!
Does that work for you on mobile too? I've found that after ads, google maps, and google plus reviews, we're all pushed into no man's land. The whole first page is nothing but google owned material. I might add some tighter location keywords to see if that helps.
Does that work for you on mobile too
I had also placed his listing in Google Local which showed his map location with his listing. I still get emails from Google wanting me to update his listing but my client retired 4 years ago and took down the website. I don't remember how the results looked on mobile. I would have to assume that the listing was at the top of the unpaid listings. There is not much you can do about how deep Google hides the unpaid listings on Mobile. My goal was to just get the listing at the top of the unpaid listings.
That makes a lot of sense. Thanks for taking the time to explain it out. I've been over thinking things as usual. One thing I've noticed is that lots of reviews seem to get you placed higher on the list.
That makes a lot of sense. Thanks for taking the time to explain it out. I've been over thinking things as usual. One thing I've noticed is that lots of reviews seem to get you placed higher on the list.
A lot of Quality reviews (non-paid reviews) can be of great help in getting you listed. As a side note, 1 star reviews will get you listed also and a few of 1 & 2 star reviews cannot be helped (cannot satisfy everyone) but try for 4 and 5 star reviews. No one wants to be found because of "bad" reviews.
Another thing you want to do is to minimize the competition as much as possible. If you are catering to a particular niche or geo location then concentrate on keywords for that niche or geo location only. Example: I was doing web development and SEO for a local HVAC contractor in my home town. Instead of using generic keywords for the business, I concentrated on using keywords including the landmarks and/or cities within a 100 mile radius of the central location. 5 months later, doing a search for "air conditioner repair in Pace Florida" had the site 1st page 3rd from the top of results whereas if we searched for "air conditioner repair" as a generic term we were not found in the first 20 pages. Content is king and correct keyword usage is paramount!
What great advice! I have heard this before but never quite like this. Keywords are the absolute way to get ranked and you want to choose keywords that are searched for but maybe in that geographic area. That is great advice and I definitely will try this with my sites.
Getting a good page rank on Google doesn't seem easy for most people but I think it is all about concentrating on your niche and always updating good content so as to overtake competition. There's some really good advice and insight in this thread!
I don't have anything else constructive to add here but I did find this amusing. I had an "SEO Expert" call me one day and he proceeded to tell me that my website (the HVAC site I was doing the SEO on) could not be found and he wanted to sell me his services. First question I asked: "Well, if the website cannot be found doing a search then HOW did you find it?" After stuttering some he finally admitted he found the website on page 25 or 26. Second question I asked him was what search terms he used and he gave all of the generic terms for HVAC repair. I told him we were not interested in doing repair in New York State or California and to open a web browser and enter "air conditioner repair in Pace FL" When he saw the results he said "I guess you don't need me" and hung up. So, SEO is a lot of work and it's not easy, but do not be taken in by so called SEO Experts who promise you the world but who cannot do more than you can on your own. There are only so many 1st page places to display, so all of the companies that promise first page cannot backup their 1st page guarantee but they can take your money and run.
The maps angle bring up an interesting point. Or question. How much does the location of your IP address play into your rankings? And local company instead of national.
I don't believe your website ip will play a role as it is assigned by the webhost and will likely show the webhost's location. However, Google does try to localize results depending on your location and previous search text. So if I am at home using my personal pc Google will try to give me local results firsts if the local results have a high enough rating to start with. But I hate being "tracked" on the internet so I use tracking blockers. That's why my searches have to be more specific in what I am looking to find. It is also why SEO is so much more difficult now. The big guys with lots of traffic will always display first with generic terms and localized terms are negated by tracking blockers.
You can get keyword rankings from Amazon, Google and more if you just look around for it. I can't remember the names of the apps or program but do some research and you can see who your competition is, hits they get, etc.


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