How can I choose a web hosting?


New Member

I have a problem on how to choose a web hosting. I am completely a newbie.
Recently, I have built a woo-commerce website based on WordPress in the localhost, and just finished the development.
And now I have trouble in web hosting selection.

When I search "web hosting" via Google, tens of thousands of web hosting companies popped up.
I am really tensed of which one to be chosen. Every one of them said they are the best among all.
I don't really understand how to determine which one is suitable for me...
Any help is highly appreciated!!
I think it's great that you are placing the question here. I am not an expert myself, but I am pretty sure you'll get feedback here. What sort of troubles are you having?
This is what I usually do when I am shopping for web hosting. I go to the Web Hosting Talk site. Many companies, big and small, are represented there. It's a tradition to give special offers for festive seasons. Since they seem to have a penchant for turning just about any occasion into a festive season, there are offers all year round. Look for the ones which let you try for free or try for nearly free. That way you can try out their services at hardly any cost.
I am expert in this field.

How to chose best hosting company?
  • Find at lest 5 to 10 hosting company.
  • Check their company age, whois registration date and If both match then filter it and few provider will be left. Like 3 hosting company left in your list.
  • Open a Ticket with this hosting company and check their response time. You can ask question like "Your hosting plan include cPanel?" or "What is your hosting server IP Address? I need hosting".
  • Provider will reply you and you will only need to check who quickly reply to your ticket. I mean response time.
  • If they provide server IP or even If not provide server IP then monitor their server or their main hosting website for few days using any online monitoring site and check uptime.
  • Open a another ticket with their billing system or ask them to forward your ticket to billing department, Check response time of billing department and If response time is good then chose them.

- Make sure provider do not hide whois details.
- Read TOS/Privacy Policy before choosing them.
I think the advice from Kunnusingh is really good, and worth following if you're a total newbie to finding great hosting. I had the same problem starting out, and it's forums like this one that really helped me make the right choices.
It's a very broad topic because only a person that can provide you answer is who has tested top company web hosting, however if you have time to read then i have written tons of topic about that. . But if you dont have time then i will say the few things you should check before buying web hosting package are :

  • Uptime
  • Speed
  • Support
  • Customer Support
  • Security strength
  • Refund Policy
  • Server location
Meanwhile Wpengine is best for wordpress but its very costly, if you are a newbie then i am sure traffic will not be 5000 pageviews per day , then look for a shared hosting like Inmotion hosting, Bluehost or siteground. After you will start getting massive traffic. you can upgrade your plan.
In my opinion, the best idea is to have many alternatives then narrow down on the best one, based on various factors. As has been mentioned above, this is the best place to get such advice. You must have very important tips by now.
How is WPengine different from the other types of hosting? I would like to know if I'm using the best service that I can afford...
Look for the ones which let you try for free or try for nearly free. That way you can try out their services at hardly any cost.

I'd look at reliability. Note, a company can give you a free test and it can even be a good experience. However, it's not guaranteed that hosting will still be around next year - or even next month. Anyway, though, I do feel pity for the seller cause it's tough to stay around long enough to be an experienced seller - when nobody will buy from an inexperienced one. Do you get what I'm saying?
It is really interesting that almost every web host out there claims to give the 'best' service. It always looks like a marketing strategy. Like Aree says, it is important to go for those web hosting companies that let you at least have an experience. Also have three of four companies, where you can choose from.
I think customer support, cost to ownership and the uptime is something many of us need to look at. Lot of us have issues with the uptime of the website. So when it comes to hosting you'd find that it may not be easy for the website to stand unless it has good uptime. I personally think hosts datacenter matters a lot. I'd look for that along with refund policy.
It really is something you have to try for yourself. And to be honest, they're always changing. Some start great, then jack up their rates when it's time to renew. Others provide wonderful customer service at first, then all of a sudden it takes weeks to get an answer. You can't necessarily depend on reviews either because there are so many affiliates who don't disclose that they make money off your willingness to sign up. A decent start is to narrow down the field, then try the company with the most affordable hosting plan for one month. It's tempting to sign up for a year since it will save money, but if you aren't satisfied with the hosting capabilities you'll just be throwing money away. Rinse and repeat until you find one that meets your needs.
What a broad and insightful discussion this has been. I’ve learned not to trust anything I read online, save for honest reviews and feedback. At the end of the day, you should settle for a web host, based on consistency and proof of excellent service.
To choose a web hosting company, many of the companies are available in the market for providing the hosting services which can can find out easily through Google. Remember to look after their features and benefits that have been associated with them so that you will find the best hosting service. You must look upon the up-time, cost, security, speed, high bandwidth, etc.all these features before selecting anyone of them. is the best hosting provider to sign up with. They have an excellent technical support system. Very quick answers to questions as well. I would recommend them, especially to you.


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