Dot bharat domain initiative fails to take off


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As per this article around 1.7 millions were registered as of April 2015. Anyone on this forum aware of any legitimate source to validate the number of registered .in numbers.

I have been associated with .in extension for almost 8 years. I am struggling to find this information month on month or at least on quarterly basis. I really want to celebrate when it reaches the 2 million names :)
I understand the long term benefits of the ability to have websites in regional languages with URL's that correspond to them, but in the short term (next 5 to 10 yrs), people need to be educated on .in and the potential benefits of creating your small business website. If I was a small business person and wanted to promote my products online in India or even to a foreign customer, I would start with a .in URL for my primary website and maybe add .bharat URL's in the future. Don't see starting off with .bharat URL's unless I don't plan on selling to anyone who speaks another Indian language. This is quite a complicated strategy when you really think through it, I would need regional language URLs for all regions. After all this, I don't really need these URL's, I could create the website in regional languages and use a .in URL. These IDN's have very niche use and they will probably be used to direct people to .in websites anyway (at least from what I can fathom)

Also, India is a more commonly used word in all regional languages than Bharat. They should have used .India for the regional language or (IDN) URL's. Not sure why they didn't

Am I missing something here....
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Unfortunate to hear of .bharat's decline OR non-performance.

But @Aubits is right. At the end of the day, English is still the common way THE WORLD interacts and so its no surprise .in is forging ahead stronger than .bharat. Even if .bharat does well, it will do well mostly in India.
Also, India is a more commonly used word in all regional languages than Bharat. They should have used .India for the regional language or (IDN) URL's. Not sure why they didn't

Am I missing something here....

Launching of .countrynames such as .india would be counter-intuitive to the whole purpose of ccTLD's.
...but in the short term (next 5 to 10 yrs), people need to be educated on .in and the potential benefits of creating your small business website.

The initiatives and efforts are on.. no one in the industry can say we arent trying to put Indian consumers on the world map, at least on India map for now by educating them about the potential of Domain Names and investment industry through DomainX Conference & Workshops (refer: &

It'll take time, but I am confident that we'll get there within next few years looking at the new crop of domain name investors turning up at different avenues to learn, invest and deal in THE domain names.

Current counts are at 1.57 Million which includes all extensions and pending deletes.

The .Bharat is what you can call another poorly envisioned and executed extension launch. No takers even when given away free.


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