cPanel, Plesk, or barebones?


Which server management software do you prefer? I used to like cPanel because it makes things easy to manage, but after an incident where the hoster didn't keep it updated, resulting in hacking (on their root server, not our site), I've moved to a barebones server. It is more work, but it is cheaper and takes out the risk of security flaws due to a third party not updating.
Plesk is better for Windows users. However, Cpanel is better for Linux users, the ones who are the majority. Also, the cPanel interface and functionality are better. Oh, by the way, do you use Linux or Windows hosting?
I just recently switched from Plesk to cPanel. In my opinion, cPanel is much better, easier to use and more features. Must keep it updated though
Plesk is better for Windows users. However, Cpanel is better for Linux users, the ones who are the majority. Also, the cPanel interface and functionality are better. Oh, by the way, do you use Linux or Windows hosting?
Linux usually. I used to use Windows hosting for ASP and ASP.NET, but I can do everything I need to on PHP which is cheaper and less platform-dependent.
Plesk is better for Windows users. However, Cpanel is better for Linux users, the ones who are the majority. Also, the cPanel interface and functionality are better. Oh, by the way, do you use Linux or Windows hosting?
I have never used Linux before. What are some of the advantages of this OS? Most people are moving to Plesk as an alternative to cPanel. Ideally, they have the same features, save for the fact Plesk seems more secure besides offering more features like WordPress mass management tools.
I have never used Linux before. What are some of the advantages of this OS? Most people are moving to Plesk as an alternative to cPanel. Ideally, they have the same features, save for the fact Plesk seems more secure besides offering more features like WordPress mass management tools.
Unless you're using ASP.NET it is unusual to find someone who doesn't host on Apache and Linux. Could I ask what your stack setup is? Are you using LAMP, WAMP or something else? I'm actually curious.
I have hosted my website through Hawkhost. And they have only Cpanel option. However with one of the client I worked with, they use Zpanel on their Windows hosting. So it seems like a good option. Cpanel seems to be the most easiest way to manage hosting tasks. You can see that you can easily teach this to other people as well.
Plesk is better option for windows server hosting whereas the cPnael is good for Linux hosting service. cPanel is the most easiest and simplest control panel to be operated.
cPanel is proven for Linux and Plesk is mostly go with Windows Hostings.
I used both and both are great.
You can also try Plesk ONYX, this is some thing new and a great!
There are a lot of web hosting panels available on the market. You can choose cPanel which is more userfriendly and good GUI. There are some free panels which have the same features as cpanel like centoswebpanel , We are using DirectAdmin control panel for our shared hosting which is also good.


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