CatchName.In Drop Catching Announcement.


New Member
We are currently live and fully functional.

We have about 10 back orders in place so far, some of them aren't set for up to a couple weeks away though (to drop).

If you have a domain you know is dropping and want to order it in advance keep in mind it is first come first server. The flat rate price right now is $29.95 - payable after the catch for now.

Pre Pay will be required soon.

We have been asked MANY times. We have a list of roughly 700,000 total domain names to scan, check status on, and put out our drop list. Currently the scanning tool we have is single threaded and can handle no more than 25,000 names at a time and takes 8 + hours to scan that. I currently have a programmer who is going to make this multi threaded and will be able to scan all the names, sort by expiration, and keep a steady drop list available. When this happens I will make an announcement here. Until then, we are accepting domain names you know are going to drop.

In the mean time, if there is a domain in pending delete status - even if drop time is a bit away remember it is first come first server for orders placed. If you already placed it with Mitsu you are probably covered but can place a backup order with me, I will be using the same facilities they are so results should be similar.

REMEMBER : The sooner you place your drop catch order, the better you are. Once one person orders a domain no other orders will be allowed for that domain. Orders are NOT accepted until a domain is in pending delete restorable status. It must be past expiration date.

Also note, the prices are subject to change but by ordering now you lock in the price even if the domain is not caught for 45 days + :)

If you need a bulk scanning script - we have one available. It is server based, we are charging $69.95 for it at the moment if you want to keep on top of scans. It has a web based form that can scan up to 30,000 names at a time. It gives you an output file of


It works on all .in and domains as well as many other extensions, if worried about a certain extension ask and we will tell you if it is supported. Included with the $69.95 purchase is a list of all domain names, names, names,, and domains. You can also compile your own lists. If you need it installed for you the price is $79.95

I have used this script and updated it fairly regularly for well over a month now. It works well. I will have a super version that supports proxies soon for quicker scans as well. This is NOT a desktop based program - it is server based. All people who purchase this script before the 25th gets both versions of the software :)

If you have a solid list of SOCKS proxies drop me a PM.
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Yes, you need to have some sort of web hosting - but do not need database access. For the proxy script you will most likely end up needing shell access. for this version you don't need shell access, just FTP and you run it from your browser.
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Due to some confusion with a certain name. If interested in drop catching form this point on please place all orders directly with mitsu until we are out of beta. You can carbon copy me as well since I will be part of the process and attempting at different registrars as well,

please send requests by email to both

From this point on.

Also whois scanner is available for $69.95 for a limited time including both our current version which scans thoroughly in roughly 7-8 hours as well as our new multi threading version which we are trying to find a good proxy list for right now. We have tried multiple services and proxies keep failing. If you have a good SOCKS proxy list it will work right away for you :)

This let's you scan large lists and since Back orders are First Come First Serve you want to be aware when valuable domains go into pending delete restorable status. Without knowing this you are losing valuable drops to your competition. Even if you have decided to drop catch yourself you will need to know when these domains expire.

For a limited time, all orders receieved by the 25th of march will get an list of thousands of domains that HAVE dropped and were not drop caught as well - this will be sent out March 25th to all people who have ordered this script - past and future orders up to that point. It will be sent to everyone at the same time.
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