How do I change my remote desktop password if it expires?


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Hello everyone,

I recently encountered an issue where my Remote Desktop password expired, and I was unable to log in. After some trial and error, I managed to resolve the issue and wanted to share the steps with the community. Hopefully, this can help anyone facing a similar problem.

Steps to Change an Expired Remote Desktop Password:​

  1. Log in Locally or Use Another Account:
    • If you have physical access to the machine, log in locally with your current (expired) credentials.
    • Alternatively, if you have another user account with administrative privileges, use that to log in.
  2. Use the On-Screen Prompt (If Available):
    • Sometimes, when you try to log in with your expired password via Remote Desktop, you might get a prompt to change the password. Follow the instructions provided in this prompt.
  3. Change Password via Ctrl+Alt+Del:
    • Once logged in (locally or remotely using another account), press Ctrl + Alt + Del.
    • Select "Change a password".
    • Enter your old password and the new password twice, then press Enter.
  4. Access via Command Prompt:
    • Open Command Prompt (you may need to run as administrator).
    • Use the command net user [yourusername] [newpassword]. Example: net user johnDoe P@ssw0rd123!
  5. Using PowerShell:
    • Open PowerShell with administrative privileges.
    • Use the command Set-LocalUser -Name "[yourusername]" -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString "newpassword" -AsPlainText -Force). Example: Set-LocalUser -Name "johnDoe" -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString "P@ssw0rd123!" -AsPlainText -Force)
  6. Update Password via Control Panel:
    • Navigate to Control Panel > User Accounts > User Accounts.
    • Select "Manage another account".
    • Choose the account you need to update.
    • Select "Change the password".

Tips to Avoid Future Issues:​

  • Enable Password Expiry Notifications: Ensure your system is set to notify you before passwords expire. This can be done through Group Policy or system settings.
  • Remote Password Change Policy: Consider configuring a policy that allows users to change passwords via Remote Desktop before they expire.
  • Regular Updates: Regularly update and change your passwords to avoid expiration.
I hope this guide helps anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation. If you have any additional tips or if I missed something, please feel free to add to this thread.


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