
    New Cover Story, NamesCon Recap & Weekly Sales Report at DNJournal

    The last two weeks have been very busy at (always our busiest time of the year because we release our Annual State of the Industry Cover Story, as well as our complete NamesCon Global conference wrap up (this year’s show was held last week in Austin, Texas). All that on top of our...
  2. domainking131

    Bitcoin Exchange Coinbase adds 100,000 users in 24 hrs, Shows Surging Interest in Crypto

    The announcement by CME that it plans to launch Bitcoin futures has resulted in a spike in interest across the world. Coinbase, the world's largest Bitcoin exchange, has added 100,000 new users in the 24 hours past the announcement. Why Coinbase matters Coinbase is a popular exchange to buy...
  3. domainking131

    Important domain Industry updates from the month of October

    Domain investors tend to miss some of the major updates from the industry because of their hectic schedule. Hence this is my attempt to wrap up some of the important updates from the month of October and save precious time . Million Dollars Month : sold for $2M while
  4. domainking131

    Video will be 75 per cent of India’s internet traffic in 2020: Study

    In India, total Internet video traffic will be 75 per cent of all Internet traffic in 2020, up from 51 per cent in 2015. The report says in five years India’s Internet traffic will be the equivalent of 12 billion DVDs per year, 1 billion DVDs per month or 1 million DVDs per hour. The annual...
  5. domainking131

    India rises past the US to become the internet's second biggest user

    In 2016, the highlight picked out by Meeker, partner at venture capital firm KPCB, is India's accelerating growth of user numbers in an otherwise decelerating market. She notes that, at 277 million, India's connected population is now greater than that of the United States and second only to...
  6. D

    Please apprise HindiNews .TV

    Please Apprise HindiNews .TV Monthly Searches 3 MN As per the Study of the Google, Hindi will be the fastest growing language on Internet for next Five years. Government of India has taken big and bold initiatives to digitize the entire country so Hindi language will get the most benefit out...

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