List Of Non-Commercial IT Projects Funded By Corp. Giants!

Its a very important thing to know what IT & Other Corporate Giants are nowadays doing in their part time, they are in good majority funding/sponsoring non-commercial projects which is very interesting to know about

There are many FREE projects roaming around here and there. But there is a saying that 'There is nothing called FREE Lunch!', yes these free projects are being sponsored by giants and that's why its interesting and also informative to keep a track and knowledge of who have been sponsoring these till date

I am listing a few projects as much as i know that they are funded/sponsored by IT giants like google, yahoo, microsoft, etc

The following are a good list:

Programming Languages:
Qt - Nokia, & Its Partners (Persistent, ICS, Motomic, Froglogic, River Bank), etc
Perl - Perl Foundation, Mozilla, SliceHost,, etc
Python - Python Software Foundation, ActiveState, Canonical, Google, Microsoft, O'reilly, Sun, Zope, etc
Java - Oracle,Sun Microsystems(Past)
PHP - Zend Inc. & a big bunch of Hosting Providers From Yahoo & Rackspace To Directi & EUKHost
.NET Framework(ASP.NET/VB.NET/C#.NET), Silverlight - Microsoft
MONO Framework, Moonlight - Novell Inc., etc

Web Servers:
IIS - Microsoft
Apache - Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Facebook,HP,Sun,IBM, etc
Xerver - Google
Lighttpd - Youtube(Past), etc
Glassfish - Oracle,Sun Microsystems(Past)

Drupal - Oregon State University Open Source Labs, PacktPub, CMSPros, Maia Host,Adub, etc
Joomla - Open Source Matters Inc, PacktPub, Rochen,Software Freedom Law Center, etc
Wordpress -, PacktPub, etc
Typo3 - AOE Media

Internet Explorer - Microsoft
Safari - Apple
Firefox - Mozilla Foundation, etc
SeaMonkey - Mozilla
Google Chrome - Google

OpenOffice - Oracle,Sun(Past)
NetBeans - Oracle,Sun(Past)
NVU - Dotster, etc
Eclipse - Cisco, IBM, INTEL, Novell, HP,Google, AMD, Amazon Web Services, etc

VLC Media Player - VideoLan Software & Its Partners (includes HP,IBM, At&t,, British Telecom,, Anevia, M2X), etc
QuickTime - Apple

Thunderbird - Mozilla
Bugzilla - Mozilla

MySQL - Oracle, Sun(Past)
SQLite - Mozilla, Symbian, Oracle, Adobe, Bloomberg, etc
PostgreSQL -, Command Prompt, etc

Operating System(OS):
Linux - LinuxFund, Linux Foundation, OSTG, etc
CentOS - LayeredNet,, CrystalTech, ThePlanet, EasySpace, etc
Debian - HP, SUN, 1&1, OSUOSL, NoStarch Press, etc
Ubuntu - Canonical, etc
Fedora - Redhat, HP,OSUOSL, Peer1, TeliaSonera, InternetX, etc
Symbian - Adobe, at&t, Samsung, Nokia, Fujitsu etc
OpenSolaris - Oracle, Sun(Past)
FreeBSD - FreeBsdFoundation, Google, Netapp, Dell,Swisscom, Juniper, Swishmail etc
OpenBSD - PriceWaterHouse, Internet.Bs, Internet Engineering Group, Tao Systems, OpenSystem Solutions,EveryDns,VMWare, Google etc
Chrome OS - Google

So, do you know of any non-commercial IT projects funded by IT or Corp. giants like google etc. please share so that we can update our knowledge and also know some new and interesting non-commercial projects and their sponsors
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