'ntld' sales

  1. anquest

    Mike the 'MANN' Flips 'OUT' (Yet Again) / Achieves ROIs of 4,678% + 311,000% | The DN Journal TOP 20

    Ron Jackson >> The DN Journal Weekly List of the TOP 20 Sales >> dnjournal.com/domainsales.htm >> "Highest Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Sept. 19, 2016 - Sun. Sept. 25, 2016" RON >> "Sedo teamed up with Michael Mann's DomainMarket to fill the runner-up slot with PersonalPlanner.com at...
  2. anquest

    'END USER' ClearTax.IN spends $80K to 'TRADE UP' to ClearTax.COM, The DN Journal Weekly TOP 20 Sales

    Ron Jackson >> The DN Journal Weekly List of the TOP 20 Sales >> dnjournal.com/domainsales.htm >> .IN Sales: None Other India-related Sales: ClearTax.com $80,000 (via UNIREGISTRY.com ) (Made it to RANK #13 (in a 'tie') on the All-TLD TOP 20 Chart) [ I started hearing radio ads...
  3. anquest

    Ganja.CLUB Sells@$10K, Green.WORLD $8.5K, Opera.CLUB $7.5K, Flyers.CLUB $5.5K | DNJ T20 x 2 Weeks

    Ron Jackson >> The DN Journal Weekly List of the TOP 20 Sales >> dnjournal.com/domainsales.htm >> .IN Sales: None Other India-related Sales: LoveWEDDINGS.com $9,610 / MangoLAND.com $4.5K ( Both via SEDO.com ) .US: Worthy.US $2K ( via DomainsDeliver.com ) 'New...
  4. anquest

    CashPoint.BET Sells@EUR 3.5K (appx. $3,942), Gym.FIT $2.5K, PRO.FIT $2.2K, SEDO Sales

    The SEDO.com Weekly List of Sales ( via Raymond Hackney / TheDomains.com ) >> .IN Sales: None 'New TLD' / 'nTLD' Sales: CashPoint.BET EUR 3.5K (approx. US$3,942) | Gym.FIT $2.5K PRO.FIT $2.2K (More then one potential meaning, including a nice 'Domain Hack' for the...
  5. anquest

    LoveWeddings.com Sells @ EUR 8,504 (approx. US$9,693) / MangoLand.com $4.5K, SEDO.com Sales

    The SEDO.com Weekly List of Sales ( via Raymond Hackney / TheDomains.com ) >> .IN Sales: None Other India-related Sales: LoveWeddings.com EUR 8,504 (approx. US$9,693) | MangoLand.com $4.5K .CN: Stenaline.CN $5K 'New TLD' / 'nTLD' Sales: None...
  6. anquest

    SEDO.com Sales | Average Transaction Size = $4,045 | 58% of Total Sales Were Via 'BUY NOW' Listings

    The SEDO.com Weekly List of Sales ( via Raymond Hackney / TheDomains.com ) >> .IN Sales: None Other India-related Sales: RedBUS.CC $2,300 (Was this bought by RedBUS.IN of India??) 'New TLD'/'nTLD' Sales: None ------------------------------------- Average Transaction...
  7. anquest

    GoFundMe.IN Sells@$3.5K, Authentic.LIFE $2.5K, Shop.TRAINING EUR 2K (appx. $2.3K), SEDO Sales

    The SEDO.com Weekly List of Sales ( via Raymond Hackney / TheDomains.com ) >> .IN Sales: GoFundMe.IN $3,500 New TLD' / 'nTLD' Sales: Authentic.LIFE $2,499 | Shop.TRAINING $2K (approx. US$2,270) --------------------------- Some ccTLD Sales: ---------------------------...
  8. anquest

    Kunstrasen.ONLINE Sells@EUR 2,999 (appx. US$3,283) / Mars.AUDIO $2,998 | The SEDO List of Sales

    The SEDO.com Weekly List of Sales ( via Michael Berkens / TheDomains.com ) >> .IN Sales: None | .CN: Panizza1879.CN EUR 2K (approx. US$2,189) .BR: Yagizi.COM.BR $2K (.BR is the ccTLD / 'Country Code TLD' for Brazil) New TLD' / 'nTLD' Sales: Kunstrasen.ONLINE EUR 2,999...
  9. anquest

    9.XYZ sells @ $170.25K, YY.xyz $37.5K, 22.xyz $25.8K, ZZ.xyz $17.1K | DN Journal's TOP 20

    Ron Jackson >> The DN Journal Weekly List of the TOP 20 Sales >> ( dnjournal.com/domainsales.htm ) >> .IN Sales: None Other India-related Sales: SHANTHI.com EUR 4.5K (approx. US$4,950) / ( via SEDO.com ) | Yogi.ME $1,200 ( DNPric.es ) Top Sale + Top 'New TLD'/'nTLD'...
  10. anquest

    SHANTHI.com Sells @ EUR 4.5K (appx. $4,957), Casino.LIVE $5K, I.COMPANY $2.15K | SEDO.com Sales

    The SEDO.com Weekly List of Sales ( via Raymond Hackney / TheDomains.com ) >> .IN Sales: None Other India-related Sales: SHANTHI.com EUR 4,500 (appx. US$4,957) .IO: Cap.IO $3,200 .AE: SBK.AE $2,000 (.AE is the ccTLD / 'Country Code LD' for 'The United Arab Emirates')...
  11. anquest

    DeviAssurance.com Sells@$2.5K, RRR.CLUB $3K, DDD.CLUB $2.01K, DN Journal's Weekly TOP 20 Sales

    Ron Jackson >> The DN Journal Weekly List of the TOP 20 Sales >> ( dnjournal.com/domainsales.htm ) >> .IN Sales: None Other India-related Sales: DeviAssurance.com $2,500 ( via SnapNAMES.com ) TOP .CN (Also this week's TOP ccTLD Sale) >> Barcelo.CN €10K (approx. US$11.2K) /...
  12. anquest

    RRR.CLUB Sells@$3K, DDD.CLUB $2.01K, eCOFFEE.COM $2.999K, eCOFFEE.NET $2.499K, SEDO.com Weekly Sales

    The SEDO.com Weekly List of Sales ( via Raymond Hackney / TheDomains.com ) >> .IN Sales: None .CN: Barcelo.CN EUR 10K (approx. US$11,168) .US: Pinnacle.US $3K 'New TLD' / 'nTLD' Sales: RRR.CLUB $3,000 | DDD.CLUB $2,010 | JJJ.CLUB / VVV.CLUB $2K EACH...
  13. anquest

    88.XYZ Sells @ $70K, Web.HOSTING $52.5K, Stock.PHOTO $16K, 8.LINK $14.5K | NameJET JAN 2016 DN Sales

    The NameJET.com January 2016 DN Sales ( via Michael Berkens / TheDomains.com ) >> TOTAL January 2016 Sales >> $2.5 MILLION ---------------------------------------- 'New TLD' / 'nTLD' Sales >> ----------------------------------------...
  14. anquest

    WAN.XYZ Sells @ $4,999 / 11.ooo @ $3K / VR.DATING @ $2.5K | The DN Journal TOP 20 Sales

    Ron Jackson >> The DN Journal Weekly TOP 20 Sales ( dnjournal.com/domainsales.htm ) >> RON: "In addition to our latest weekly chart we also just published our first Year to Date Top Sales Chart of 2016 and four of the top five sales on that list are 3-letter .coms." -------- .IN Sales...
  15. anquest

    AnandaFarm.com Sells@$3.02K, Boutique.BOUTIQUE $7K, 111.CLUB $5.32K, The DN Journal TOP 20 Sales

    Ron Jackson>> The DN Journal Weekly TOP 20 Sales (covering 2 Weeks of Sales Data this time) >> dnjournal.com/domainsales.htm> >> RON >> ..."We.com was sold for [...] $8 million- making it the 2nd biggest sale of 2015. We have now added it to our 2015 Top 100 Chart as a result." "We also...
  16. anquest

    Boutique.BOUTIQUE Sells @ $7K / 111.CLUB $5.32K / 666.CLUB $3.6K | The SEDO List of Sales

    The SEDO.com Weekly List of Sales ( via Raymond Hackney / TheDomains.com ) >> Raymond >> "Remember Sedo has changed their report for sales of $2,000 and above and no longer show those sales that were as low as $700." .IN Sales: None | .CN: AidaCruises.CN EUR3,999 (approx. US$...
  17. anquest

    GGG.XYZ Sells @ $5,150 / Gallery.GALLERY $5K / Liquid.GOLD $1.35K || The DN Journal TOP 20 x 2 Weeks

    Ron Jackson >> The DN Journal Weekly TOP 20 Sales ( dnjournal.com/domainsales.htm ) >> RON: "The offices of some of our key data suppliers were closed for the holiday break last week so we decided to combine the final two weeks worth of 2015 domain sales into a single report this week. Once...
  18. anquest

    Wire.BERLIN Sells @ $8.75K, Engineering.COMPANY $3K, The DN Journal Weekly List of the TOP 20 Sales

    Ron Jackson>> The DN Journal Weekly TOP 20 Sales ( dnjournal.com/domainsales.htm ) >> RON: "In the past you would have seen more sales off the chart as we track all non .com sales of $1,000 and up (.coms $2,000 and up). However, as of this week, Sedo, who dominates the ccTLD market, stopped...

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