
L-L.in are much rarer than LLL.in.

.in registry has reserved L.in and LL.in domains, and they have NO plans of releasing them soon.

The most rare pattern right now is L-L.in only 676.

in NUMBERS it is N-N
N-N.in , only 100 names possible... also on mobile keyword numbers and hyphens are located next to each other, so its easy to type and also to brand.... Just renew for few years and let the buyers chase you for those names, fundamentally these are good assets whether anyone buy or not... asset value depends on fundamentals than what others are paying, just have little patience i am sure these are good assets for sure in long term
N-N.in , only 100 names possible... also on mobile keyword numbers and hyphens are located next to each other, so its easy to type and also to brand.... Just renew for few years and let the buyers chase you for those names, fundamentally these are good assets whether anyone buy or not... asset value depends on fundamentals than what others are paying, just have little patience i am sure these are good assets for sure in long term
N-N.in , only 100 names possible... also on mobile keyword numbers and hyphens are located next to each other, so its easy to type and also to brand.... Just renew for few years and let the buyers chase you for those names, fundamentally these are good assets whether anyone buy or not... asset value depends on fundamentals than what others are paying, just have little patience i am sure these are good assets for sure in long term
Agreed, scarcity is the mother of all invention.


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